- Gustav Kálnoky
Count Gustav Siegmund Kálnoky (Hungarian: "gróf Kálnoky Gusztáv Zsigmond"), Austro-Hungarian statesman, was born on
December 29 1832 inLetovice (Lettowitz),Moravia to an oldTransylvania n family which had held countly rank inHungary from the 17th century. After spending some years in ahussar regiment, in 1854 he entered the diplomatic service without giving up his connection with the army, in which he reached the rank of general in 1879. He was for the ten years (1860–1870) secretary of embassy atLondon , and then, after serving atRome andCopenhagen , was in 1880 appointedambassador atSt. Petersburg . His success inRussia procured for him, on the death of BaronHeinrich Karl von Haymerle in 1881, the appointment of minister of foreign affairs forAustria-Hungary , a post which he held for fourteen years.Essentially a
diplomat ist, he took little or no part in the vexed internal affairs of the Dual Monarchy, and he came little before the public except at the annual statement on foreign affairs before the Delegations. His management of the affairs of his department was, however, very successful; he confirmed and maintained the alliance withGermany , which had been formed by his predecessors, and co-operated withBismarck in the arrangements by whichItaly joined the alliance. Kálnoky's special influence was seen in the improvement ofAustria n relations withRussia , following on the meeting of the three emperors in September 1884 atSkiernevice , at which he was present. His Russophile policy caused some adverse criticism in Hungary. His friendliness for Russia did not, however, prevent him from strengthening the position of Austria as against Russia in theBalkan Peninsula by the establishment later of a closer political and commercial understanding withSerbia andRomania .In 1885 he interfered after the
battle of Slivnitza to arrest the advance of theBulgarians onBelgrade , but he lost influence inSerbia after the abdication ofKing Milan .Though he kept aloof from the
Cleric al party, Kálnoky was a strongCatholic ; and his sympathy for the difficulties of the Church caused adverse comment in Italy, when, in 1891, he stated in a speech before the Delegations that the question of the position of thePope was still unsettled. He subsequently explained that by this he did not refer to the Roman question, which was permanently settled, but to the possibility of the Pope leaving Rome.The jealousy felt in Hungary against the
Ultramontanes led to his fall. In 1895 a case of clerical interference in the internal affairs of Hungary by the nuncioAntonio Agliardi aroused a strong protest in the Hungarianparliament , and consequent differences betweenBánffy , the Hungarian minister, and the minister for foreign affairs led to Kálnoky's resignation.He died in 1898 at Brodek u Prostějova (Prödlitz).
ee also
External links
* [http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.k/k058954.htm AEIOU]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.