- Simpson Grierson
Simpson Grierson is a
New Zealand commercial law firm founded in 1887; it is ranked in the top four firms in that country. ["Asia Pacific Legal 500" legal directory [http://www.legal500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1136&l5country_code=nz&l5directory=as500&Itemid=382] ] The firm is apartnership comprising 54 partners and consultants supported by around 160lawyers andlegal executive s in four departments (Banking & Finance, Commercial, Litigation and Resources & Infrastructure). The legal staff are supported by around 140 personnel (legal administrator s,information technology ,librarians ,accounts ,human resources andmarketing ). It has offices in New Zealand's three largest metropolitan areasAuckland ,Wellington andChristchurch .Practice areas
The firm practises all aspects of
commercial law , includingbanking andfinance ,corporate law , corporateinsolvency andrestructuring ,marketing ,advertising ,mergers and acquisitions ,property law ,taxation law ,energy &utilities law (includingupstream oil and gas and electricity), andemployment law . It is one of the New Zealand's leading law firms in the interpretation of theResource Management Act and is one of New Zealand's leadingpublic law firms, especially in relation tolocal government , where it advises nearly two thirds of New Zealand's local authorities [http://www.solgm.org.nz/site/Business_School_Events/sponsors/Simpson_Greirson.aspx] , andnews media . A significantlitigation anddispute resolution practice also exists.Affiliations
The firm is the sole New Zealand member of
Lex Mundi , an alliance of 161 major law firms (includingAustralia 'sClayton Utz ); a co-founder of thePacific Rim Advisory Council ; a member of theInter-Pacific Bar Association ; and the New Zealand affiliate of majorUnited States law firmBaker & McKenzie .Recent Awards & Recognition
*2007 – Australasian Legal Business Deals of the Year Awards – Banking & Finance partner, Peter Eady, is a finalist for New Zealand Dealmaker of the Year.
*2007 – Client Choice Award for New Zealand, [http://www.clientchoiceawards.com/2007/winners.aspx] awarded by the International Law Office [http://www.internationallawoffice.com] .
*2005 – Australasian Legal Business Deals of the Year Awards – Corporate partner, Peter Hinton, named New Zealand Dealmaker of the Year.
*2005 – "PLC Which Lawyer?" Yearbook [http://whichlawyer.practicallaw.com/which/whichlawyer.do] ranks Simpson Grierson as the New Zealand's top law firm for its 2005 edition.
*2005 – Global InnovAction Award [http://www.innovactionaward.com/home.php] for innovation in the practice of law. This award is awarded by The College of Law Practice Management [http://www.colpm.org/home.asp] in theUnited States , in association with consulting firm, Edge International.
*2004 & 2005 –Creative New Zealand Award for Bravery at theNational Business Review Awards for Sponsorship of the Arts. The first organisation to win this award two years in succession.History
The firm's history can be traced back to 1887 when Butler White & Hanna was established in
Auckland , specialising initially inmaritime law andinsurance law , but addinglocal government law in the 1930s. In 1921 Grierson Jackson was founded followed two years later in 1923, by the founding of Simpson Coates & Clapshaw. In 1982 Grierson Jackson merged with Bruce Bornholdt's practice to form Grierson Bornholdt, acquiring aWellington presence. The following year, 1983, saw Grierson Bornholdt and Simpson Coates & Clapshaw merge to create Simpson Grierson. Specialist fields includecompany law ,commercial law ,arbitration and construction and energy law. In 1985, Simpson Grierson and Butler White & Hanna merge to create Simpson Grierson Butler White. In 1991 the firm was joined by a number of partners from the former Brandon Brookfield, Wellington and in 1995, the firm adopted Simpson Grierson as its permanent name. ItsChristchurch office was opened in 2007.Notable Partners
*Rob Fisher is Chairman of Simpson Grierson, [http://simpsongrierson.com/our-people/rob-fisher.html] listed in the "International Who’s Who Legal" for Environment Lawyers, [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/21030/0/27/Fisher/rob-fisher/] Board Member of
Sport and Recreation New Zealand and former Chairman of theNew Zealand Rugby Football Union .
*William Akel [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/william-akel.html] is widely considered to be New Zealand's foremost media lawyer [http://www.stuff.co.nz/sundaystartimes/4317192a6619.html] and an adviser toTelevision New Zealand . Akel successfully wonTVNZ the right to screen courtroom footage in 2005, showingRainbow Warrior terroristsAlain Mafart andDominique Prieur pleading guilty to the manslaughter of Dutch photographerFernando Pereira when they bombed the vessel in Auckland harbour on July 10, 1985.
*Robert Gapes is listed in the" International Who’s Who Legal" for Product Liability Lawyers [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/21250/0/Gapes/robert-gapes/] [http://simpsongrierson.com/our-people/robert-gapes.html] .
*Earl Gray is listed in the "International Who’s Who Legal" for Trademarks Lawyers [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/21583/0/Gray/earl-gray/] and Head of the Intellectual Property workgroup [http://simpsongrierson.com/earlgray.html] .
*Andrew Harkness [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/andrew-harkness.html] is Head of thebanking andfinance department. Listed as a leading individual in "IFLR 1000," [http://www.iflr1000.com/default.asp?page=48&CH=3&sIndex=4&CountryID=18] "Chambers Global" [http://www.chambersandpartners.com/global/resultseditorial.aspx?cid=71&pid=6&solbar=1&grouptype=1] and the "Asia Pacific Legal 500" [http://www.legal500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1136&l5country_code=nz&l5directory=as500&Itemid=382#includes/get_content_page_l500.php&&&l5country_code=NZ&workarea_title=Banking%20and%20finance§ion_name=Banking%20and%20finance] .
*Peter Hinton [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/peter_hinton.html] was named New Zealand Dealmaker of the Year for 2005 by Australasian Legal Business. Hinton is recommended by "PLC Which Lawyer?" [http://tax.practicallaw.com/which/reference.do;jsessionid=53e7a80730d85c959b0adefc432499aec69a4cd0e23e.e38LbhePchqMe38LahaRaNaQbhr0n6jAmljGr5XDqQLvpAe?ref=1-105-7764] , listed as leading individual in "IFLR 1000," [http://www.iflr1000.com/default.asp?page=48&CH=3&CountryID=18&tcCountry=18&tcTitleID=6] "Chambers Global" [http://www.chambersandpartners.co.uk/Global/rankings36.aspx?fid=2971&aid=208425&solbar=1] and the "Asia Pacific Legal 500" [http://www.legal500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1136&l5country_code=nz&l5directory=as500&Itemid=382#includes/get_content_page_l500.php&&&l5country_code=NZ&workarea_title=Corporate%20and%20M%26A§ion_name=Corporate%20and%20M%26A] . Hinton successfully predicted in December 2007, [http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/3/story.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10481580] that theNew Zealand Commerce Commission would appeal the High Court decision overturning an earlier Commerce Commission ban on sale ofThe Warehouse Group .
*Stuart Hutchinson [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/stuart_hutchinson.html] is one of six New Zealand leading tax practitioners listed in the "International Who’s Who Legal" of Corporate Tax Lawyers, [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/22178/0/Hutchinson/stuart-hutchinson/] and Head of the Taxation workgroup. Hutchinson is a Board Member of Child Cancer New Zealand.
*Kevin Jaffe [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/auckland/kevin-jaffe.html] is Head of thecommercial law department and specialist inmergers and acquisitions . Jaffe is recommended by "PLC Which Lawyer?" [http://tax.practicallaw.com/which/reference.do;jsessionid=53e7a80730d85c959b0adefc432499aec69a4cd0e23e.e38LbhePchqMe38LahaRaNaQbhr0n6jAmljGr5XDqQLvpAe?ref=1-105-7764] , listed as leading individual in "IFLR 1000," [http://www.iflr1000.com/default.asp?page=48&CH=3&CountryID=18&tcCountry=18&tcTitleID=6] "Chambers Global" [http://www.chambersandpartners.com/global/PersonProfile.aspx?aid=208418] and the "Asia Pacific Legal 500" [http://www.legal500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1136&l5country_code=nz&l5directory=as500&Itemid=382#includes/get_content_page_l500.php&&&l5country_code=NZ&workarea_title=Corporate%20and%20M%26A§ion_name=Corporate%20and%20M%26A] .
*Richard Lange is Head of the Litigation Deaprtment and listed in the "International Who’s Who Legal" for Commercial Litigation Lawyers [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/27452/0/Lange/richard-lange/] and Head of the Litigation Department [http://simpsongrierson.com/our-people/richard-lange.html] .
*Phillipa Muir is listed in the "International Who’s Who Legal" for Management Labour and Employment Lawyers [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/23869/0/Muir/phillipa-muir/] and Head of the Employment Law workgroup [http://simpsongrierson.com/our-people/phillipa-muir.html] .
*John Shackleton [http://simpsongrierson.com/john_shackleton.html] is listed in the "International Who’s Who Legal" for Shipping & Maritime Lawyers [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/25387/0/Shackleton/john-shackleton/] .
*Peter Stubbs is a marketing law expert and legal counsel for The New Zealand Marketing Association.
*Gregory Towers [http://simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/auckland/greg-towers.html] is listed in the "International Who’s Who Legal" for Real Estate Lawyers [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/26090/0/Towers/gregory-towers/] and Head of the Resources & Infrastructure Department .
*Stephen Ward is acorporate law andcommercial law expert. Trustee of the Life Flight TrustWestpac Rescue Helicopter (New Zealand) , Convenor, Contract and Consumer Law Reform Committee for theNew Zealand Law Society , a Director of Macquarie Airports Limited, part ofMacquarie Group Limited , and an Appeal Council Member for theNew Zealand Rugby Football Union .
*Michael Weatherall [http://simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/auckland/michael-weatherall.html] is a dual qualified lawyer andcivil engineer who is listed in the "International Who’s Who Legal" for Construction Lawyers [http://www.whoswholegal.com/profiles/26563/0/Weatherall/michael-weatherall/] and Head of the Construction Law workgroup.
*Elisabeth Welson [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/wellington/elisabeth-welson.html] is a leadingenergy law expert especially in relation toElectric power transmission ,upstream (oil industry) andcorporate law . Welson has chaired the Energy Law Association since 2005 and is a Policy Subcommittee Member of thePetroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand .Partner Update
In January 2008 five new partners were admitted to the partnership:
*Wayne Browne [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/wayne-browne-.html] an Auckland basedbanking andfinance law expert
*Dave Trueman [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/wellington/dave-trueman-.html] a Wellington basedenergy andutilities law expert
*Samantha Turner [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/samantha-turner-.html] a Wellington basedemployment law expert
*Richard Watts [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/auckland/richard-watts-.html] an Auckland basedIntellectual Property expert
*James Winchester [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/our-people/partners/james-winchester-.html] a Wellington basedResource Management Act expert who is a national committee member of theResource Management Law Association Notable Alumni
Colin Beyer - Former partner and now consultant to the firm and aSecurities Commission of New Zealand member. Beyer is also an HonoraryConsul forFinland .
*Peter Blanchard [http://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/about/supreme/judges.html#blanchard] - Former Partner and Judge of theSupreme Court of New Zealand . The Rt. Hon. Justice Blanchard holds a Masters degree in Law fromAuckland University andHarvard University . Appointed to the High Court in 1992, member of theLaw Commission from 1990 to 1993, appointed to the Court of Appeal in 1996 and to the Supreme Court in January 2004. Appointed a Privy Councillor in 1998 he was awarded the DCNZM in 2005 for services to the judiciary.
*Mark Cooper [http://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/about/high/judges.html#Cooper] - former partner and Judge of the High Court of New Zealand. Justice Hanna commenced practice with the firm Butler White & Hanna, later merged into Simpson Grierson. He became a barrister sole in 1997, was appointed aQueen's Counsel in 2000 and took appointment to the High Court bench in Auckland in 2004.
*Susan Glazebrook [http://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/about/appeal/judges.html#glazebrook] - Former Partner, Justice Dr. Susan Glazebrook has a D.Phil from theUniversity of Oxford in French legal history. She served as President of theInter-Pacific Bar Association in 1998. Appointed to the High Court in June 2000 and to theCourt of Appeal of New Zealand in 2002.
*Rodney Hansen [http://www.courtsofnz.govt.nz/about/high/judges.html#Hansen] – former partner and Judge of the High Court of New Zealand. Justice Hansen became a Barrister sole in 1991. was appointedQueen's Counsel in 1995 and took appointment to the High Court bench in Auckland 1999.
*Alan R McArthur - Former Chief Executive Officer and now Managing Partner of Dibbs Abbott Stillman Lawyers (Sydney).
*Christine Southey - Former Partner and now Chief Executive of the Gas Industry Company.
*Metiria Turei [http://www.greens.org.nz/people/turei_m.asp] MP - Former Associate and now theGreen Party of Aotearoa New Zealand ’s Spokesperson in a number of areas including Local Government, Treaty Issues and Conservation.
*Richard Worth MP [http://www.national.org.nz/MP.aspx?Id=33] - Former Chairman of the firm and remains as a consultant to the firm. Worth is theNew Zealand National Party ’s Spokesman for Economic Development. Worth is also HonoraryConsul forMonaco .
*Mariette van Ryn [http://www.westpac.co.nz/olcontent/olcontent.nsf/Content/14+June+2007] - Former Head of the Banking and Finance Department and nowWestpac New Zealand's General Manager Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel.References
Official Websites
* [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/ Simpson Grierson's website]
*Simpson Grierson Alumni follow this link [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/alumni.html]
*Career opportunities follow this link [http://www.simpsongrierson.com/career-centre/opportunities/current-vacancies.html]
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