2004 VN112

2004 VN112

Infobox Planet
width = 25em
bgcolour = #FFFFC0
name = mp|2004 VN|112
symbol =

caption =
discovery = yes
discovery_ref =
discoverer =
discovered = 2004
designations = yes
mp_name = mp|2004 VN|112
mp_category = E-SDO
(detached object)
orbit_ref = cite web
title=JPL Small-Body Database Browser: (2004 VN112)
] cite web
author=Marc W. Buie
title=Orbit Fit and Astrometric record for 04VN112
publisher=SwRI (Space Science Department)
epoch = May 14 2008
aphelion = 605.1 AU (Q)
perihelion = 47.32 AU (q)
semimajor = 326.2 AU (a)
eccentricity = 0.8549
period = 5892 a
avg_speed =
inclination = 25.57°
asc_node = 65.97°
mean_anomaly = 359.9° (M)
arg_peri = 326.7°
satellites =
physical_characteristics = yes
dimensions = 130 - 300 kmcite web
mass =
density =
surface_grav =
escape_velocity =
sidereal_day =
axial_tilt =
pole_ecliptic_lat =
pole_ecliptic_lon =
albedo =
spectral_type =
abs_magnitude = 6.4

mp|2004 VN|112, also written as 2004 VN112, is an Extended Scattered disc object (detached object) since it has perihelion greater than 40 AU and semi-major axis greater than 200 AU. It never gets closer than 47 AU from the Sun (about the outer edge of the main Kuiper belt) and averages being more than 300 AU from the Sun. Its large eccentricity strongly suggests that it was gravitationally scattered onto its current orbit. Since all detached objects are outside of the current influence of Neptune, how it came to have this orbit can not yet be explained. It has only been observed 19 times over 3 oppositions. Even dwarf planet candidate 90377 Sedna has only been observed 64 times.cite web
title=JPL Small-Body Database Browser: 90377 Sedna (2003 VB12)
] Both Sedna and mpl|2000 CR|105 have similar orbits (perihelion greater than 40 AU and semi-major axis greater than 200 AU).


External links

* [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=2004VN112;orb=1;view=Far Orbital simulation] from JPL (Java) / [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?find_body=1&body_group=sb&sstr=2004VN112 Horizons Ephemeris]
* [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=2004%20VN112 JPL Small-Body Database Browser]

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