

A Hibernophile is a person who is fond of Irish culture, Irish language and Ireland in general. Its antonym is Hibernophobe.

The term is often used in particular for people all over the world (in America especially in areas where a large number of Irish diaspora settled) who ostensibly base their business, political, or social practices on like of or admiration for Irish models. Fact|date=August 2008

In some cases, Hibernophilia represents an individual's preference of Irish culture to their own; or the belief that Irish culture is superior, or appreciation of Irish history.Fact|date=August 2008

Hibernophiles often enjoy attending St. Patrick's Day parades that occur all over the world. They also tend to favour stereotypical parts of Irish culture: shamrocks, blarney stone, Leprechauns and shillelaghs.

In some cases a Hibernophile may also be a Plastic Paddy, a person who appropriates stereotypical aspects of Irish culture without understanding it. The term is often used as a pejorative in Ireland.

Hibernia is the word the ancient Romans used for Ireland and which is where the word originates.

See also

*Culture of Ireland
*Anglophile - someone who is fond of English culture
*Francophile - someone who is fond of French culture
*Germanophile - someone who is fond of German culture

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