Lilium longiflorum

Lilium longiflorum

name = "Lilium longiflorum"

image_width = 240px
regnum = Plantae
phylum = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Liliales
familia = Liliaceae
genus = "Lilium"
species = "L. longiflorum"
binomial = "Lilium longiflorum"
binomial_authority = Thunb.

"Lilium longiflorum",(Japanese:テッポウユリ,"Teppouyuri") often called the Easter lily or November lily, is a plant native to Japan and the Ryukyu Islands. It is a stem rooting lily, growing up to 1 m high. It bears a number of trumpet shaped, white, fragrant, and outward facing flowers.

A variety of it, "L. longiflorum" var. "eximium", native to the Ryukyu Islands, is taller and more vigorous. It is extensively cultivated as a cut flower. It has irregular blooming periods in nature, and this is exploited in cultivation, allowing it to be forced for flowering at particular periods, such as Easter. However, it can be induced to flower over a much wider period. This variety is sometimes called the "Bermuda lily" because it has been much cultivated in Bermuda.

Before World War II, most of the Easter lily bulbs arriving in the United States were imported from Japan. However, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the supply of bulbs was suddenly cut off, and the Easter lilies became extremely valuable in the United States. Lilium longiflorum, amongst some other types of lilies, are extremely poisonous to cats [] .

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