

Jabłonowski (plural: Jabłonowscy) is the surname of a Polish szlachta (nobility) family. Because Polish adjectives have different forms for the genders, Jabłonowska is the form for a female family member


Jabłonowski was a magnate family. The history of the family begun in the 16th century when the family Wichulski bought Jabłonowo Pomorskie estates and since then began to use the name Jabłonowski. The family became important since the 17th century. One of the most representative members was Field and Great Crown Hetman Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski, a brilliant military leader. He fought against Sweden during The Deluge, he participated in King Jan III Sobieski campaign of Chocim, and led the right wing of Polish forces at the Battle of Vienna in 1683. He also stopped the Tatars at Lwów in 1695. During the Kings elections in 1696, he was a candidate for the Polish throne. In 1698 Emperor Leopold I granted him and the family the title of Prince.

Coat of arms and motto

The Jabłonowski family used the Prus III coat of arms.

Family members

*Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski (1634-1702), Field and Great Hetman of the Crown
*Anna Jabłonowska (1660-1727), mother of King Stanisław I Leszczyński
*Marianna Jabłonowska (1708-1765), was married to Jan Wielopolski
*Aleksander Jan Jabłonowski (?-1733), Great Chorąży
*Józef Aleksander Jabłonowski (1711-1777), Stolnik, voivode
*Antoni Barnaba Jabłonowski (1732-1799), voiode, castellan
*Dorota Barbara Jabłonowska (1760-1844), was married to Józef Klemens Czartoryski
*Eugeniusz Jabłonowski (1958-present)

ee also

* [http://www.geocities.com/rafalhm/Jab.html The Princely House of Jablonowski by Rafal Heydel-Mankoo]
* Societas Jablonoviana
* Okopy Świętej Trójcy

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