

name = "Liphistius"

image_caption = undetermined "Liphistius" species
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Mesothelae
familia = Liphistiidae
genus = "Liphistius"
genus_authority = Schiødte, 1849
diversity_link = List of Liphistiidae species#Liphistius
diversity = 47 species
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =see text

"Liphistius" is a genus of basal trapdoor spiders in the family Liphistiidae. They are found in Japan, China, and Southeast Asia.


Female body length ranges from 9 to 29 mm, males are slightly smaller. They live in burrows in earthen banks, and probably in forests. The burrow is sealed with a thin, circular woven door, which is disguised with earth and moss. While they spend the day deep inside the burrow, at night they wait just below the door for insects, woodlice and similar animals that stumble over one of the seven silken fishing lines that radiate from the entrance. They then push up the door and reach for their prey, but are reluctant to leave their burrows. [Murphy & Murphy 2000]


* "Liphistius albipes" Schwendinger, 1995 — Thailand
* "Liphistius batuensis" Abraham, 1923 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius bicoloripes" Ono, 1988 — Thailand
* "Liphistius birmanicus" Thorell, 1897 — Myanmar
* "Liphistius bristowei" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Thailand
* "Liphistius castaneus" Schwendinger, 1995 — Thailand
* "Liphistius dangrek" Schwendinger, 1996 — Thailand
* "Liphistius desultor" Schiödte, 1849 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius endau" Sedgwick & Platnick, 1987 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius erawan" Schwendinger, 1996 — Thailand
* "Liphistius fuscus" Schwendinger, 1995 — Thailand
* "Liphistius isan" Schwendinger, 1998 — Thailand
* "Liphistius jarujini" Ono, 1988 — Thailand
* "Liphistius johore" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius kanthan" Platnick, 1997 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius lahu" Schwendinger, 1998 — Thailand
* "Liphistius langkawi" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius lannaianus" Schwendinger, 1990 — Thailand
* "Liphistius laruticus" Schwendinger, 1997 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius lordae" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Myanmar
* "Liphistius malayanus" Abraham, 1923 — Malaysia
** "Liphistius malayanus cameroni" Haupt, 1983 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius marginatus" Schwendinger, 1990 — Thailand
* "Liphistius murphyorum" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius nesioticus" Schwendinger, 1996 — Thailand
* "Liphistius niphanae" Ono, 1988 — Thailand
* "Liphistius ochraceus" Ono & Schwendinger, 1990 — Thailand
* "Liphistius onoi" Schwendinger, 1996 — Thailand
* "Liphistius ornatus" Ono & Schwendinger, 1990 — Thailand
* "Liphistius owadai" Ono & Schwendinger, 1990 — Thailand
* "Liphistius panching" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius phileion" Schwendinger, 1998 — Thailand
* "Liphistius phuketensis" Schwendinger, 1998 — Thailand
* "Liphistius pusohm" Schwendinger, 1996 — Thailand
* "Liphistius rufipes" Schwendinger, 1995 — Thailand, Malaysia
* "Liphistius sayam" Schwendinger, 1998 — Thailand
* "Liphistius schwendingeri" Ono, 1988 — Thailand
* "Liphistius sumatranus" Thorell, 1890 — Sumatra
* "Liphistius suwat" Schwendinger, 1996 — Thailand
* "Liphistius tempurung" Platnick, 1997 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius tenuis" Schwendinger, 1996 — Thailand
* "Liphistius thaleban" Schwendinger, 1990 — Thailand
* "Liphistius tham" Sedgwick & Schwendinger, 1990 — Thailand
* "Liphistius thoranie" Schwendinger, 1996 — Thailand
* "Liphistius tioman" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Malaysia
* "Liphistius trang" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Thailand
* "Liphistius yamasakii" Ono, 1988 — Thailand
* "Liphistius yangae" Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 — Malaysia



* (2000): An Introduction to the Spiders of South East Asia. "Malaysian Nature Society", Kuala Lumpur.
* (2008): [ The world spider catalog] , version 8.5. "American Museum of Natural History".

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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