Hadamard's lemma

Hadamard's lemma

In mathematics, Hadamard's lemma, named after Jacques Hadamard, is essentially a first-order form of Taylor's theorem, in which we can express a smooth, real-valued function exactly in a convenient manner.


Let "f" be a smooth, real-valued function defined on an open, star-convex neighborhood "U" of a point "a" in "n"-dimensional Euclidean space. Then for "x" in "U", we have

:f(x)=f(a)+sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-a_i) g_i(x),

where each "gi" is a smooth function on "U", "a" = ("a"1,...,"a""n"), and "x" = ("x"1,...,"x""n").


Let "x" be in "U". Let "h" be a map from [0,1] to the real numbers, defined by


Then since

:h'(t)=sum_{i=1}^n frac{partial f}{partial x_i}(x+t(x-a)) (x_i-a_i),

we have

:h(1)-h(0)=int_0^1 h'(t),dt=int_0^1 sum_{i=1}^n frac{partial f}{partial x_i}(x+t(x-a)) (x_i-a_i), dt=sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-a_i)int_0^1 frac{partial f}{partial x_i}(a+t(x-a)), dt.

But additionally, "h"(1) − "h"(0) = "f"("x") − "f"("a"), so if we let

:g_i(x)=int_0^1 frac{partial f}{partial x_i}(a+t(x-a)), dt,

we have proven the theorem.


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