

Infobox Weapon

type=Semi-automatic pistol
designer=Marian Gryszkiewicz
manufacturer=Łucznik Arms Factory
variants=MAG-98, MAG-08
weight=g to oz|1230|sp=us|abbr=on|precision=2|wiki=yes (MAG-95) convert|1055|g|abbr=on (MAG-98, MAG-98c)
length=mm to in|200|abbr=on|precision=1|wiki=yes (MAG-95, MAG-98, MAG-98c)
cartridge=9x19mm Parabellum
action=Short recoil operated, locked breech
range=Sights fixed for 25 m
feed=15-round box magazine
sights=Fixed, front blade and rear notch, marked with fluorescent dots mm to in|143|abbr=on|precision=1|wiki=yes sight radius (MAG-95, MAG-98) convert|160|mm|abbr=on|1 (MAG-98c)

The MAG-95 is a Polish 9 mm semi-automatic pistol. Originally designed by Marian Gryszkiewicz, it was manufactured at the Łucznik Arms Factory ("Fabryka Broni Łucznik") in Radom. An improved model was MAG-98, and currently is MAG-08. With the MAG-95 pistol the designers abandoned their previous design practices based on the use of the 9x18mm Makarov cartridge and instead utilized a Western-influenced approach involving the 9x19mm Parabellum cartridge and some of the latest safety and other design techniques. The MAG-95 incorporates most of the user facilities to which firers in the West have become accustomed, but which have been absent from most Eastern Bloc pistols until recently.


In 1993 there started works in Łucznik Arms Factory in Radom upon the new pistol, intended primarily for the Polish Army, to replace obsolete P-64 and P-83. Obvious choice was NATO standard 9x19mm Parabellum, replacing old 9x18mm Makarov. Since the Army had not worked out technical conditions for a pistol by then, the factory worked them by its own, and decided to design a pistol of a classic construction, utilizing experience of best world's designs. The lead designer was Marian Gryszkiewicz, and the gun was designed by late 1993. In 1994 prototypes were tested, and an information series appeared in 1995. An operation principle is short recoil operation, with a similar mechanism to Browning HP.

In 1995 the pistol was evaluated by the Polish Army. It had advantages over a competitor WIST-94, like better reliability, durability and safety (more efficient protection against casual shots, when dropped). However, the MAG was rejected by the Army, because it did not meet technical conditions, that were set in late 1993, exceeding mass (800 g) and dimensions (190x135x33 mm)Sitarski, M. "Dzieje pewnego MAG-a", p. 20-27] .

In 1996 a lighter variant MAG-98 was designed, with aluminum frame (initially designated MAG-96), but despite the Army showed interest, it was still too heavy by 75 g and had the same dimensions, and the competitor WIST-94 was accepted to ordnance in 1999. In next years, the MAG was produced for the Polish Border Guard and Prison Guard ("Straż Więzienna") and for a civilian market, in small series, though (the market of civilian guns in Poland was very small due to restrictive law). The Polish Police tested the gun, but preferred Glock pistol and Walther P99 instead.

The last produced variant was MAG-98C, for a sport shooting, with a 20-round magazine and adjustable sights. Also a small series (up to 100 pistols) was made for the US market with 10-round magazine. The production ceased in 2000, when the manufacturer went bankrupt."Powrót MAG-a"]

The pistol has a good opinion among users, it is considered a precise, well balanced and durable weapon. Its mass leads to good stability during firing. It was simpler and cheaper than the WIST-94, and in addition, some army users prefer the MAG as a personal sidearm..

In 2008, there was revealed the new variant MAG-08, with Picatinny rail and minor improvements, developed by the manufacturer's successor, Fabryka Broni Łucznik. It is not in a firm's offer so far (as of 2008).

Design details

The MAG-95 pistol relies to a large extent on design features from the later Browning designs, and others, combining features from several weapons into one pistol. The locking system is the widely used dropping barrel and cam action of the Browning series. This is combined with a double-action trigger mechanism combined with a hammer decocking lever which allows the external hammer to be lowered in safety when a round is chambered. Only a positive 50 N pull on the trigger will allow the hammer to recock for firing the round. The barrel is chrome plated to prolong its life and to permit easier cleaning. The MAG-95 is suitable for use by both right and left-handed users and is designed for two-handed operation. It is claimed that the pistols are well balanced to produce greater accuracy when rapid firing. The box magazine contains 15 rounds; optional 20 and 10-round magazines are available. Other options include a laser target indicator to be mounted in front of the trigger guard. The standard finish is a matte black lacquer coating but a bright or matte chrome finish is optional. The MAG-98 incorporates a buffer while the MAG-98c, also with a buffer, is primarily a sporting pistol.



*pl icon Michał Sitarski, "Dzieje pewnego MAG-a", "Broń i Amunicja" 1/2006, p.20-27, ISSN 1644-339x
*pl icon "Powrót MAG-a", "Raport-WTO - targowy" of 10-09-2008 (special issue of Raport-WTO), p.18-20, ISSN 1429-270x

External links

* [ Łucznik Arms Factoryofficial page]

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