- Aratika
Aratika is an
atoll in theTuamotu group inFrench Polynesia . The nearest land isKauehi Atoll , located 35 km to the south east.Aratika has an unusual butterfly shape. Its length is 20.8 km and its maximum width 10.7 km. The lagoon is wide and deep, and can be entered by two navigable passes.
Aratika has 240 inhabitants. The main village is called Paparara.
Aratika appears in some maps as "Carlshoff Island". This atoll was visited by the
Charles Wilkes expedition on September 3 1839.There is a private airfield in this atoll which opened in 1998. It is owned by the Fourcade company.
Aratika Atoll belongs to the commune of
Fakarava , which consists of Fakarava, as well as the atolls of Aratika,Kauehi ,Niau ,Raraka ,Taiaro andToau .References
* [http://www.oceandots.com/pacific/tuamotu/aratika.htm Aratika] oceandots.com
* [http://perso.inooi.com/v2/fr/aratika/poar.php?lang=en Pictures]
* [http://www.the-airport-guide.com/airport.php?airports_id=11967 Aratika-Nord Airport]
* citation|title=Names of the Paumotu Islands|first=J.L.|last=Young|pages=264-268|url=http://www.jps.auckland.ac.nz/document/Volume_8_1899/Volume_8,_No._4,_December_1899/Names_of_the_Paumotu_Islands,_by_J.L._Young,_p_264-268?action=null|journal=Journal of the Polynesian Society|volume=8|issue=4|date=December 1899
* [http://www.catholiquenapuka.pf/Page/Histoire/charleswilkes.html Charles Wilkes Expedition] frExternal links
* [http://www.pacific-image.pf/pages/boutic/dboutic_cdrom_sp132.html Atoll list] fr
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