- Tova Mirvis
Tova Mirvis is a
Newton, Massachusetts novelist. She is a graduate of [Columbia College of Columbia University] and holds an MFA in fiction writing fromColumbia University 's School of the Arts. Mirvis ' family has lived in Memphis, Tennessee since 1874 when her German-born grandmother moved there at age two. [ [http://www.jbooks.com/interviews/IP_Jacobs.htm JBooks.com - Interviews and Profiles: Wandering a Long Way from Home ] ]Mirvis came to National attention when her novel, The Ladies Auxiliary, became a best-seller.
Literary critic Morris Dickstein describes Mirvis as part of a young generation of American Jewish novelists engaged in "a persistent search for roots" [ [ A Mirror in the Roadway: Literature and the Real World, by Morris Dickstein, Princeton University Press, 2005 p. 179-80] ] Nancy Maxwell describes her work as exemplifying the "library as travel" literary experience. [ [ Sacred Stacks: The Higher Purpose of Libraries and Librarianship, Nancy Kalikow Maxwell, 2006, p. 90 ] ] Lucy Long holds her up as the paradigm of the fact that "The whole Orthodox world had taken a giant step to the right, and like partners in a dance, we had followed." [ [ Culinary Tourism by Lucy M. Long, p. 157] ]
Mirvis became the center of a minor controversy in 2005 when
Wendy Shalit published an essay entitled "The Observant Reader" [ [ www.nytimes.com/2005/01/30/books/review/30SHALITL.html ] ] in the New York Times Book Review accusing Mirvis, an orthodox Jew, of writing ostensibly "'insider' fiction (that) actually reveals the authors' estrangement from the traditional Orthodox community." Mirvis defended herself in an essay in the Jewish DailyThe Forward . [ Judging a Book By Its Head Covering, By Tova Mirvis, Forward.com, Fri. Feb 04, 2005 ]Novels
* The Ladies Auxiliary, 1999
* The Outside World, 2004References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.