Shaarei Tefillah

Shaarei Tefillah

Congregation Shaarei Tefillah is a synagogue in Newton, Massachusetts. [ Home Lands: Portraits of the New Jewish Diaspora, by Larry Tye, 2002, pp. 137-8 ] Founded in 1983, the congregation is notable for the unusual concentration of distinguished scholars among its members. [The Jews of Boston , by Jonathan D. Sarna, Ellen Smith, Scott-Martin Kosofsky, 2005, p. 162]

The congregation is led by Rabbi Benjamin Samuels. According to Sylvia Barack Fishman of Brandeis University and other scholars, the synagogue is notable for the degree of participation by women. [ A Breath of Life: Feminism in the American Jewish Community, by Sylvia Barack Fishman, 1995] [Gonzo Judaism: A Bold Path for Renewing an Ancient Faith, by Niles Elliot Goldstein , 2006]

Notable members

* Penina Adelman, author
* Alexander Altmann, Brandeis University
* Paul S. Appelbaum, University of Massachusetts
* Jay R. Berkovitz, University of Massachusetts
* Rebecca Betensky, Harvard University
* Marc Zvi Brettler, Brandeis University
* Shaye J. D. Cohen, Harvard University
* Sylvia Barack Fishman, Brandeis University
* Alan L. Feld, Boston University
* Marcia Feld , University of Rhode Island
* Marvin Fox
* Michael Hammer
* Michael Haselkorn, Bentley College
* Eva R. Hoffman, Tufts University
* Nancy H. Kolodny, Wellesley College
* Ruth Langer, Boston College
* Jon D. Levenson, Harvard University
* Tova Mirvis, novelist
* Benjamin Ravid, Brandeis University
* Mark I. Rosen, Brandeis University
* Jonathan Sarna, Brandeis University
* Nahum M. Sarna, Brandeis University
* Lester A. Segal, University of Massachusetts
* Solomon Schimmel, Hebrew College
* Richard Shore, Cornell University
* Barry Shrage
* David J. Waxman, Boston University
* Debbie Wilgoren, journalist
* Jodi Wilgoren, journalist
* Michael Wolfe, Boston University

External links



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