

Pragyaa is the national level technical festival conducted by Shri Guru Gobind Singhji (SGGS) Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded started in 2005. It is scheduled from 29th Feb to 2nd March in its fourth Edition in 2008 [] .Pragyaa has provided a platform for students in SGGS and nearby colleges in the rural region of Marathwada, to compare and showcase their technical skills. This event has been in line with more popular events conducted in IITs.


A group of few third year students planned this event in October 2004, created a framework for the whole event and brought its first edition in April 2005 which bagged around 1500 participants from various parts of the country.Since then Pragyaa has found a major place in institute agenda and continued improvisations, PRAGYAA has turned into a mega event.

Popular Events: A Brief Overview

Dirt Race:
One of the most popular events hosted in Pragyaa has always been the 'Dirt Race'. Generally, the objective is to build a car with specified dimensions and restricted energy resources that can run through a pre-designed race track in the shortest time. The race track consists of various hindrances that could be anything like a gravel bed, an incline, mud pits etc. Every car individually gets three chances to record its best lap timing. Teams are shortlisted accordingly, and eventually a winner is chosen. The prizes at stake are usually among the highest and most handsome. It takes place in the Instrumentation Department. This event has witnessed huge audience in the past.

Lectures and Video-Conferences

Pragyaa 2005

* Prof. Richard Stallman
* Dr. Michael Frank: Low Power Electronics: Exploring the Fundamental Limits of Computation [ Official Web Page]

Pragyaa 2007

* Prof. Roel Baets: Silicon Nanophotonics [ Photonics Research Group]


Pragyaa comes from a word Pragna in Sanskrit which means Wisdom [ Sanskrit Glossary]


[ Pragyaa 2008 Official website]

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