

Promaucaes, Promaucas or Purumaucas (quechua > puruma auca); pre-Columbian Mapuche tribal group that lived in the present territory of Chile, south of the Maipo River basin of Santiago, Chile and the Itata River, (those to the north were called "Quillotanes" [ Juan Ignacio Molina, Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile, pg. 9. Named for Quillota, one of the settlements of the Inca Empire in Chile.] and "Mapochoes" by the Spanish). They were speakers of mapudungun like the Moluche to the south and part of the Picunche tribal grouping that lived north of the Itata River.

The Incas named all the populations that were not under their empire "puruma auca". As a result of the victory of these Picunche tribes over the Inca Empire in the Battle of the Maule they acquired this distinctive name. The Spanish later corrupted the name into "purumaucas" or "promaucaes". Thus their region became known by the early Spanish in Chile as the province of Promaucae and its inhabitants were called "promaucaes".

Among the peoples the Spanish called the Promaucaes the people of the Rapel River valley were particularly called by this name by the Spanish [ Juan Ignacio Molina, Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile, pg. 9. ] . Those of the Mataquito River valley were called the "Cures", for which the province of Curico is named [ Juan Ignacio Molina, Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile, pg. 9. ] . The people in the Maule River valley and to the south were distinguished as "Maules" and those to the south of the Maules and north of the Itata were known as "Cauqui" by the Inca [ Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Comentarios reales, 2da_VII_20 20 ] or "Cauquenes" [ Juan Ignacio Molina, Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile, pg. 9. ] that gave their name to Cauquenes River.



* Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, [ Comentarios reales] , Segunda Parte : Libro VII, Cap. [ 19] , [ 20] .
* Juan Ignacio Molina [ Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile]

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