Size queen

Size queen

A size queen is slang terminology for a person who prefers a larger-than-average penis. ["The Happy Hook-Up: A Single Girl's Guide to Casual Sex". Alexa Joy Sherman, Nicole Tocantins. p208. Ten Speed Press, 2004.] The term was first used in the gay community and has spread to the larger LGBT, kink and sex-positive communities as well as mainstream society referring to not only gay men but anyone who has or is accused of having this preference.

Movie and TV examples

In recent years, jokes and anecdotes about penises and penis size have increased in Western culture. Popular women's shows such as "Sex and the City" and "Ally McBeal" devoted several episodes to penis size, suggesting that a larger penis is preferable. Critical observers point out, however, that the writers of these shows were largely male, sometimes gay males, so their portrayal of realistic female preferences are suspect.

Other examples:

*"Ally McBeal" S1, E12, "Cro-Magnon Man" - Ally (Calista Flockhart) falls for a nude model with a huge penis. (story continued in Episodes 13 and 21); S4, E1, "Sex, Lies and Second Thoughts" - Ally breaks up with a man because he has a tiny penis, "like a pop-up chicken thermometer".

*"Along Came Polly " - Debra Messing's eyes open wide while checking out a naked man's penis on the beach while on her honeymoon. Later in the movie, she ends up cheating on her husband with the same naked man.

*"": Empress Nympho (Madeline Kahn) selects her orgy partners on the basis of their penises, singing either "Yes" or "No", and one impressive example, she sings "YES!"

*"Human Nature" - Patricia Arquette leaves her "tiny penis" boyfriend for a well endowed man.

*"The Sweetest Thing" - Selma Blair is dating a man but wants to break up with him because of his enormous endownment, at one scene in the movie his penis gets stuck in her throat, due to a piercing and her gag tangling, the paramedics are called and the room fills with a crowd of people.

*"Sex and the City" - S2, E18, "Ex and the City" -This time it's a penis that's too big; S2, E2,"The Awful Truth", Samantha (Kim Cattrall) finds it hard to tell her boyfriend that his penis is too small. This leads Carrie to refer to Samantha as 'Goldicocks' (trying to find one "that's just right"). In another episode Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) says "Women don't care. We care about nice arms, great eyes, a big dick..."

*"Caroline in the City": Del discovers that Caroline's ex is better endowed than he is, and as a result becomes more anxious in the bedroom.

*"" - At a party someone pulls down J.T.'s pants and is humiliated when everyone laughs at his small penis. His girlfriend Manny has a look of shock and disgust on her face when seeing J.T.'s tiny member, which someone comments looks like "a roll of dimes". Over the next few days she is then distant and cold, and makes excuses not to meet up with him after school. In the locker rooms, J.T. discovers that Mannys ex-boyfriend, Craig, is exceptionally well endowed, causing J.T.'s eyes to widen and his jaw to drop. This causes J.T. some distress, eventually leading to him purchasing and using a "penis pump." Manny catches him attempting to use the device, and goes through with her already-made decision to break up with him, taking it as a sign of his immaturity. She later tells him the reason that she ended their relationship was that he couldn't "be the bigger man," clearly a reference to the fact that she was sick of his childish behavior and because she now considered him a loser for having such a small penis, and also a barb she knew would aggravate his insecurities.

See also

*Human penis size


External links

* Definition of [ size queen] at, a part of The New York Times Company

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