

color = lightgreen
name = Florideophyceae

image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Florideae" from Ernst Haeckel's "Kunstformen der Natur", 1904
domain = Eukaryota
unranked_phylum = Archaeplastida
phylum = Rhodophyta
classis = Florideophyceae
subdivision_ranks = Orders
subdivision = See text.

Florideophyceae is a class of red algae.They were once thought to be the only algae to bear pit connections,cite journal
author = Clinton J. Dawes,
coauthors = Scott, Flora M.; Bowler, E.
year = 1961
title = A Light- and Electron-Microscopic Survey of Algal Cell Walls. I. Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta
journal = American Journal of Botany
volume = 48
issue = 10
pages = 925–934
doi = 10.2307/2439535
] but these have since been found in the filamentous stage of the Bangiacae.citation|author=Lee, R.E.|title=Phycology, 4th edition|year=2008|isbn= 978-0521638838|publisher= Cambridge University Press]

Once thought only to exhibit apical growth, some genera grow by intercalary growth.citation|author=Lee, R.E.|title=Phycology, 4th edition|year=2008|isbn= 978-0521638838|publisher= Cambridge University Press] Most, but not all, genera have three phases to the life cycle.citation|author=Lee, R.E.|title=Phycology, 4th edition|year=2008|isbn= 978-0521638838|publisher= Cambridge University Press]


The class contains the following orders:
* Acrochaetiales
* Ahnfeltiales
* Balbianiales
* Balliales
* Batrachospermales
* Bonnemaisoniales
* Ceramiales
* Colaconematales
* Corallinales
* Gelidiales
* Gigartinales
* Gracilariales
* Halymeniales
* Hildenbrandiales
* Nemaliales
* Nemastomatales
* Palmariales
* Pihiellales
* Plocamiales
* Rhodogorgonales
* Rhodymeniales


External Links

* [http://tolweb.org/Florideophyceae/21781 Tree of Life: Florideophyceae]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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