- Antonio Correr
Antonio Correr (
July 15 ,1359 –January 19 ,1445 ) was ItalianCardinal-nephew ofGregory XII ,Pope of the Roman Obedience in the period of theGreat Western Schism . He was also cousin ofPope Eugene IV . His last name is listed also as Corrario and Corraro.Born in
Venice , he was one of the founders of the Congregation of the Augustinian Canons Regular of S. Giorgio "in Alga" in his native city ofVenice . In 1405 he was named bishop ofModon , but two years later his uncle Gregory XII transferred him to thesee of Bologna . He could not take possession of the latter see due to opposition of Cardinal Baldassare Cossa (laterAntipope John XXIII ), who did not recognised his nomination, because he considered Gregory XII asantipope . OnMay 9 1408 he was created Cardinal Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli by his uncle. He was also administrator ofFiesolo (1408-10) andLatin Patriarch of Constantinople (1408-09).Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church from July 1412 until July 1415. He attended theCouncil of Constance as representative of the Roman Obedience of the Sacred College.Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina from May 1409 until July 1415, when he resigned in favor of his uncle, who abdicated the Papacy at that time. After his death in October 1417, he was appointed to that suburbicarian see again. He participated in thePapal conclave, 1417 . Archpriest of the patriarchalVatican Basilica 1420-1434. He served also as papal legate inPerugia (1425) and inTuscany (1431). Administrator of the sees ofCittanova (1420-21),Rimini (1435) andCervia (1435-40). He participated in thePapal conclave, 1431 . New popeEugene IV (his cousin) transferred him to the suburbicariansee of Ostia e Velletri onMarch 14 ,1431 . He becameDean of the Sacred College of Cardinals at the death of Giordano Orsini onMay 29 1438 . Author of an unpublished history of his times. He died atPadua , but his remains were transferred to Venice and buried in the church of S. Giorgio "in Alga".External links
* [http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/bios1408.htm#Correr Biography]
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