The acronym ASL or a.s.l. commonly stands for:

*Above sea level, altitude measurement
*Age/sex/location, abbreviation in Internet chat jargon (see also [ Wiktionary's list of Internet slang phrases#A|list of Internet slang phrases] )
*American Sign Language, dominant sign language in North America
*Argininosuccinate lyase, human gene making the protein argininosuccinate lyase
*Aviation Safety Letter, aviation safety bulletin issued quarterly by Transport Canada

Or less frequently:

*Abstract Schema Language, a computer programming language typically used for A.I. research []
*ACPI Source Language, is a source language for defining ACPI objects including control methods
*Active Schema Language, an XML schema extension using active tags []
*Adobe Source Libraries, a set of open source software libraries by Adobe
*Advanced Squad Leader, a tactical-level war board game
*Advanced stop line, a type of road marking used at signalised road junctions
*The American School in London, independent K-12 international school
*American Soccer League, professional leagues in the USA
*Anti-Saloon League, once the leading organization lobbying for Prohibition in the United States
*Apache Software License, an open-source license for software
*Appalachian School of Law, a law school in Grundy, Virginia, USA
*Application Services Library, a software development framework
*Association for Symbolic Logic, of academic researchers in symbolic logic
*Australia's Surfing Life, surf magazine
*Automated Systems Holdings Limited, Largest local system integrator in Hong Kong
*Autobacs Sportscar Laboratory, speciality car manufacturer
*Average shot length, a standard statistical measure of film editing (cinemetrics).
*Axpo Super League, the highest Soccer League in Switzerland
*In the insurance industry, ASL can stand for either annual statement line or aggregate stop loss
*A Static Lullaby, a post-hardcore band from in Chino Hills, California, United States of America.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • ASL — steht für: Above Sea Level, Höhe über dem Meeresspiegel Action Semantic Language, Definitionssprache für Details in UML Diagrammen Advanced Squad Leader, Konfliktsimulationsspiel von Avalon Hill Age, Sex, Location? (Alter, Geschlecht, Ort?),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Asl — steht für: Above Sea Level, Höhe über dem Meeresspiegel American Sign Language, Gebärdensprache in den USA, Kanada sowie Teilen von Mexiko American Soccer League, verschiedene Fußball Profiligen der USA die konservative amerikanische Organisation …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • ASL — n. same as {American sign language}, the sign language used in the US. Syn: American sign language, AMESLAN [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ASL — (Above Sea Level) altitude above the level of the sea, distance higher than sea level ASL (Age Sex Location) (Internet abbreviation) request from one user to another to reveal his personal details (where he/she lives, age, and gender) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ASL — Abreviatura de American Sign Language. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 …   Diccionario médico

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  • ASL — abbrev. AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE …   English World dictionary

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