- Highrollers with Heart
The Highrollers with Heart is a charity started by
American Idol (season 5) contestantAce Young 's fans, who call themselves, "Ace's Highrollers", to raise money to build a new hospital for families to stay in while their children are staying there for their hospital needs. As of July 2007, the HRwH are in Track 2 of rasing money for the hospital.How It Began
On Sunday of
Labor Day weekend of 1996, Young's mother called him up, telling him one of his older brothers, Ryan, was in a near fatal car accident. Ryan's condition was his back broken in seven places, he dislocated the lower twovertebrae , and suffered severe cuts to hisspine andhip , all which that required seven hours ofsurgery . They said Ryan could never be able to walk again.Ryan had to stay in bed for a year and when Ace had lunch hour off at high school, he would come over to keep Ryan company. After a long year of healing, Ryan beat the odds and was able to walk and dunk a
basketball again.Within the next two years, Ace, Ryan and another brother, Marc, went to children hospitals to visit the sick children. Every
Christmas , the Youngs still continue to visit the children, and will continue to do so. As Ace puts it, "If you want to know howSuperman feels, just get a hug from one of these little kids."Young Ones
The Young Ones section is a section for kids (or their parents) can submit their stories of the child meeting Ace, via
e-mail , which requries a story and pictures of proof. NOTE: There are two sections of stories on the page, the top being for children with speical needs and the other section being for children who do not (see below).*Mackenzie: Mack was diagnoised with
leukemia at 15 months. After a hard year of battling in the hospital, she went into remission. Sadly, it relapsed. Mack met Ace by acancer foundation that granted small wishes to kids with cancer. She is currently inremission and her mother, Amy, wrote a story on Mack's successes in the Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul book.*Zoe: Zoe was a bright, happy 14 month old girl when
Spinal Muscular Atrophy took an unexpecting toll on her life. She met Ace at a special meeting at the DenverAmerican Idols LIVE! Tour 2006 show. Right now, she is a smart six year old who is great in school.*Nicholas: Concerned about Nick's eye turning "lazy", it turned out to sadly be
Rhabdomysarcoma . 50% of thetumor was removed but the rest of it was unable to be removed because of it being wrapped around the eyemuscle . Nick got to meet Ace in a special backstage meeting. Nick is currently cancer free and is getting hiseye fixed.*Dante: Just over a week after meeting Ace, Dante suffered from a broken
wrist and underwent anappendectomy and surgery to correct abirth defect on hiskidney . Since then, he has bounced back and is ready to help the HRwH whenever possible.*Hayley: Hayley came into the world by not moving in her mother's
womb and was put onoxygen andintensive care . After many rough surgries andtherapy , Hayley was diagonised withAutism . While watching Ace, she said her first word, "ACE" Hayley met Ace wearing a shirt that said, "My first word was ACE."----
*Nicky: Nicky and his mom luckily got two tickets and backstage passes for the
Philadelphia Idols show. After meeting and lettingParis Bennett ,Chris Daughtry ,Bucky Covington andElliott Yamin sign his body, Nicky met Ace and talked aboutfootball and being the youngest brother in the family.*Patrick: Three year old Patrick met Ace in
Atlanta at the Idols concert. Patrick sang aduet with Ace of Ace's song, "Don't Go."*Briana: Getting out of school early for a surprise, Briana got to meet Ace in Orlando at the
House of Blues and gave him a shirt as a gift.*Caitlin: Caitlin is an active child with
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis who met Ace when he surprised the family with backstage passes for theDallas show.*Lindsey: After falling in love with Ace from Idol, Lindsey went to her first concert in
Portland, ME . She metKellie Pickler , Bucky, Elliott (whom she told that her brother is adiabetic as well as Elliott is), Chris and Ace. She hugged Ace four times and he nicknamed her, "The Huggy Princess."*Connor: While his mom works for the Highrollers, Conner and her went to a convention in
Minneapolis to help support Ace'scharity , and met Ace on stage and atMeet and Greet .FAA (The Family Amenities Area)
The FAA is a hospital the HRwH are building for the family of the sick child to stay in, known as, "Home away from home." The FAA will include six large family rooms with private
bathrooms , two dressing rooms, lockers for personal items, a laundry room with three washers and dryers and a privatemassage room. Such items will be included like a big screenTV , and a computer withInternet access. The Family Amenities Area opened in the fall of 2007.External links
* [http://www.highrollerswithheart.org Official Site]
* [http://www.myspace.com/highrollerswithheart HRwH MySpace]
* [http://www.myspace.com/aceyoung Ace Young's MySpace]
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