

Flåm is a Norwegian village with some 500 inhabitants, at the inner end of the Aurlandsfjord, an arm of the Sognefjord. The town is located in the municipality of Aurland, in Sogn og Fjordane county, Norway.


The name "Flåm" is documented as early as 1340 as "Flaam". It is derived from the plural dative form of the Old Norse word "flá" meaning "plain, flat piece of land", and it refers to the flood plains of the Flåm River. [cite web|title=Farm names in Flåm|url=http://suzuki.websitewelcome.com/~aurland8/index.php?page=farm-names|last=Brekke|first=Arne|accessdaymonth=29 June|accessyear=2008]


The village of Flåm is a popular tourist destination and has been so since the late 19th century. It currently receives almost 450,000 visitors a year. Most come to enjoy the spectacular 20-kilometer Flåmsbana railway between Flåm and Myrdal, one of the steepest railway tracks at 1 in 18 (not counting rack railways) in the world. There are also a few spirals. [cite news|title=Railways Illustrated|date=June 2007|pages=67] A former rail station building in Flåm now houses a museum dedicated to the Flåmsbana railway.

The harbour of Flåm receives some 131 [cite web|url=http://www.visitnorway.com/templates/NTRDestinationArticle.aspx?id=172536|title=Key Facts on Flåm|publisher=VisitNorway.com] cruise ships per year, including RMS Queen Mary 2.

The Rallarvegen road between Flåm and Finse is popular with bicycle tourists. The E16 road between Oslo and Bergen runs through Flåm.

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External links

* [http://www.visitflam.com/visartikkel.asp?art=254 Flåm webcam]
* [http://www.visitflam.com/ Visit Flåm]


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