Wincenty Krasiński

Wincenty Krasiński

Count Wincenty Krasiński (1782–1858) was a Polish nobleman (szlachcic), political activist and military leader.

His military career began at the age of eight in 1791 in the National cavalry. He advanced in rank to Chorąży and Lieutenant in 1793, being only ten at the time. Although this was more a military school service than a real combat experience, he became later a brave a capable commander. After the partitions of Poland, he became an enthusiastic supporter of Napoleon Bonaparte. As the French Army entered occupied Prussian Poland, Wincenty Krasiński created a cavalry squadron at his own expense.

He participated in Napoleons Campaigns from 1807 to 1814. He became the commander of the 1st Chevau-Légers Lancers, Imperial Guard regiment. In 1811 advanced in rank to Brigadier-General and in 1813 to Division-General (gen. dywizji). From 1814 commanded the Polish Corps. In France he is known as Vincent de Corvin-Krasinski [] .

Wincenty Krasiński participated in numerous battles. He fought at Wagram in 1809, the Russian Campaign from 1812 to 1813 and the Campaign of 1814. He was awarded the Virtuti Militari in 1810 and the Légion d'honneur order in 1811.

After the abdication of Napoleon, Wincenty Krasiński became commander of a Guard Division ( _pl. dywizja gwardyjska) in the Polish Congress Kingdom in 1815. From 1818 he served as General-Adjutant of the Czar and Sejm Marshal. He became senator-voivode and was awarded the Order of the White Eagle in 1821.

In 1828 as member of the Sejm Court, during the trial against the activists of the "Patriotic Society" (among others Stanisław Sołtyk), he was the only senator who voted for death penalty. For this he was condemned by public opinion and independence circles alike.

He refused to join the November Uprising in 1830 and was from 1831 General-Adjutant of the Russian Czar Nicolas I. From 1833 Wincenty Krasiński served as member of the Russian Council of the State.

In 1844 he founded the Krasinski Ordynacja Library in Warsaw. From 1855 to 1856 he served as governor of Polish Congress Kingdom. Wincenty Krasiński became the 1st Ordynat (1844), and starost of Opiniogóra estates.

Wincenty Krasiński married Princess Maria Urszula Radziwiłł on September 12, 1803 in Lwów. He died on November 24, 1858 in Warsaw.

He was father of Zygmunt Krasiński, one of Poland's greatest romantic poets.


* Virtuti Militari, highest decoration for bravery on the battlefield, awarded in 1810.
* Légion d'honneur, awarded in 1811.
* Knight of the Order of the White Eagle, highest Polish decoration, awarded in 1821.

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