

Sixtus was a Roman name, a corruption of the Greek name "polytonic|Ξυστος," meaning "polished," and originally Latinized "Xystus." It is not to be confused with the common Roman name "Sextus," meaning "sixth," though not necessarily denoting a sixth child.

Notable people named Sixtus include five Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, the first three of whom are called "Xystus" in the most ancient records:

*Pope Sixtus I (115/116–125).
*Pope Sixtus II (257–258).
*Pope Sixtus III (432–440).
*Pope Sixtus IV (1471–1484).
*Pope Sixtus V (1585–1590).
*Sixtus of Siena (1520-1569).

Notable lay people named Sixtus include:

*Edmund Sixtus Muskie (1914-1996).
*Prince Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma (1886-1934).
*Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon-Parma (1940).

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