- Tsaratsovo
Тsaratsovo ( _bg. Царацово) is a village in the
Plovdiv Province , centralBulgaria . It is part of theMaritsa municipality andas of 2007 it has 2,216 inhabitants.In 2007 a several million
euro electronics plant was inaugurated in Tsaratsovo. It has a bult-up area of 3,000 m² and employs 80 workers. [ [http://www.chambersz.com/index.php/content/view/5656/112/ Белгийци направиха първа копка на завод за електроника в Царацово | Стара Загора - икономически портал ] ] [ [http://www.jarcomputers.com/l_bg/?m=5&i=74&c=9&pg=1&show=all JAR Computers - Новини - Икономически - Започва строежът на завод за електроника - Компютри, Преносими и настолни компютри, компютърни компоненти, Individual configurations, inexpensive computer components ] ]In the same year a new
bicycle -producing factory was opened near the village. It has an area of 34,000 m² of which the built-up area is 23,600 m². The plant is going to produce 500,000 bicycles a year and employs more than 500 people. Large part of the production is exported to other EU members,Russia ,Serbia andMonte Negro . [ [http://big.bg/modules/news03/comment_new.php?com_itemid=13466 Интернет Медия БИГ.БГ - Търговски новини ] ]Footnotes
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.