Roman Sołtyk

Roman Sołtyk

Roman Sołtyk (February 29, 1790 - October 22, 1843) was a Polish nobleman (szlachcic), political activist and general.

Born in Warsaw, Roman was son of Stanisław Sołtyk. He served as an officer in the Duchy of Warsaw and took part in Napoleon's Russia Campaign. He was member of secret independence organisations in Russian-occupied Poland. From 1830 to 1831 he served as member of the Sejm. As Brigadier-General he participated in the November Uprising. Like his father, he became member of the underground "Patriotic Society". On his motion the Sejm dethroned Czar Nicolas I on January 25, 1831. After the fall of the uprising he went into exile in France. He died in Saint-Germain-en-Laye.


* "Napoleon en 1812..." (1836)

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