ASE can stand for:


*Academia de Studii Economice (the Economic Sciences Academy) in Bucharest, Romania
*Admiralty Signal Establishment, a defense research organization in the UK
*Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, a Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing company
*Ahmedabad Stock Exchange, the second oldest exchange in India
*Alliance to Save Energy, a non-profit coalition in Washington, D.C.
*Amalgamated Society of Engineers, one of several silimarly-named trade unions
*Amman Stock Exchange, the Jordanian stock exchange
*Amity School of Engineering, a private engineering college located in NOIDA, India
*Aspen-Pitkin County Airport (IATA airport code)
*Association for Science Education, a professional association in the United Kingdom for teachers of science
*Association of Space Explorers, a non-governmental space organization of international astronauts
*Athens Stock Exchange, the Greek stock exchange
*Atomstroyexport, the Russian nuclear power equipment and service export monopoly
*Australian Screen Editors (an Australian film editing guild headquartered in Sydney, Australia
*Automotive Service Excellence, a US based group trying to improve the quality of automobile servicing


*Adaptive Server Enterprise, a database product from Sybase
*Advanced Silicon Etch, a deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) to etch deep in silicon
*Amplified spontaneous emission or superluminescence, the light that is emitted by spontaneous emission and gets strong in due to stimulated emission.
*Applied Systems Engineering
*The All-Seeing Eye a computer software application designed to help Internet gamers find game servers


*Accelerated Solutions Environment, a Capgemini consulting services offering
*Armed Services Edition, a paperback book format used during World War II
*Asymptotic Standard Error, a measurement of uncertainity in statistical methodes, see Standard error (statistics)

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  • -ase — ♦ Élément, tiré de diastase, servant à désigner certains ferments (enzymes) : oxydase. N. f. pl. Les ases [ az ] :les enzymes. ase élément, tiré de diastase, désignant certaines enzymes. ⇒ ASE, suff. Suff. formateur de subst. du genre fém.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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