Stanisław Tarnowski

Stanisław Tarnowski

Stanisław Tarnowski (1837–1917) was a Polish noble (szlachcic), historian, literary critic, publicist.

During the January Uprising Stanisław was connected with the "Biali" (liberal-conservative political faction). He was imprisoned from 1863 to 1865 by the Austrian authorities. He was co-author of the "Teka Stanczyka" (1868). Since 1867 Stanisław served as member of the Sejm in Galicia. In 1885 he became a member of the Herrenhaus in Vienna. From 1871 until 1909 professor and two times rector at the Jagiellonian University. In 1873 member and from 1890 to 1917 chairman of the Akademia Umiejetnosci (Polish Academy of Skills).


* "Pisarze polit. XVI w." (t. 1-2 1886)
* "Jan Kochanowski" (1888)
* "Zygmunt Krasiński" (1892)
* "Matejko" (1897)
* "Julian Klaczko" (t. 1-2 1909)
* "studia o A. Fredrze, H. Rzewuskim, H. Sienkiewiczu, zbiór Rozprawy i sprawozdania" (t. 1-4 1895-98)
* "synteza Historia literatury polskiej" (t. 1-5 1900, t. 6 cz. 1-2 1905-07)
* "wybór studiów O literaturze polskiej XIX wieku" (1977).

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