

Streaky-breasted may refer to:

* Streaky-breasted Fantail, a species of bird in the Rhipiduridae family
* Streaky-breasted Flufftail, a species of bird in the Rallidae family
* Streaky-breasted Honeyeater, a species of bird in the Meliphagidae family
* Streaky-breasted Jungle-flycatcher, a species of bird in the Muscicapidae family

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  • Streaky-breasted Honeyeater — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification …   Wikipedia

  • Streaky-breasted Flufftail — Taxobox name = Streaky breasted Flufftail status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Gruiformes familia = Rallidae genus = Sarothrura species = S. boehmi binomial = Sarothrura boehmi binomial… …   Wikipedia

  • Streaky-breasted Jungle-flycatcher — Taxobox name = Streaky breasted Jungle flycatcher status = NT | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes familia = Muscicapidae genus = Rhinomyias species = R. additus binomial = Rhinomyias… …   Wikipedia

  • Streaky-breasted Fantail — Taxobox name = Streaky breasted Fantail status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes familia = Rhipiduridae genus = Rhipidura species = R. dedemi binomial = Rhipidura dedemi… …   Wikipedia

  • streaky-breasted spiderhunter — dryžakrūtė voralesė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Arachnothera affinis angl. streaky breasted spiderhunter vok. Strichelbrust Spinnenjäger, m rus. серогрудая нектарница пауколовка, f pranc. arachnothère à poitrine grise …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

  • streaky-breasted flufftail — afrikinė pūkauodegė švygžda statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Sarothrura boehmi angl. streaky breasted flufftail vok. Boehmralle, f rus. африканский пушистый погоныш, m pranc. râle de Böhm, m ryšiai: platesnis terminas –… …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

  • streaky-breasted jungle-flycatcher — buruvinė džiunglinė musinukė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Rhinomyias additus angl. streaky breasted jungle flycatcher vok. Burudschungelschnäpper, m rus. буруанская джунглевая мухоловка, f pranc. gobemouche à gorge… …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

  • streaky-breasted fantail — dryžakrūtė skėstauodegė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Rhipidura dedemi angl. streaky breasted fantail vok. Seramfächerschwanz, m pranc. rhipidure de Céram, f ryšiai: platesnis terminas – skėstauodegės …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

  • Streak-breasted — may refer to:* Streak breasted Bulbul, a species of songbird * Streak breasted Scimitar babbler, a species of bird in the Timaliidae family * Streak breasted Treehunter, a passerine bird * Streak breasted Woodpecker, a species of bird in the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of African birds — This list of African birds is a listing of all the bird species known from the continent of Africa. TOCrightNotesThere are over 45 billion different species of birds in Africa.The taxonomy of this list adheres to James Clitorus Birds of the World …   Wikipedia

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