- Honouring the Ancient Dead
Honouring the Ancient Dead (HAD) is a British Neopagan advocacy group working within Britain for the dignified treatment of human remains of British pagan provenance. It explores the issues of excavation, storage, museum display, disposal, repatriation and reburial. In particular questioning the idea of who has assumed authority over human remains, its core remit is dialogue and consultation between all relevant bodies when decisions are made about the remains of the ancient dead. The organization was founded by
Emma Restall Orr , during the May 2004 negotiations regarding roads aroundStonehenge .‘It makes no difference how long ago someone died. We are their living relatives.’" [http://www.museum.manchester.ac.uk/medialibrary/documents/respect/human_remains_the_acknowledgement_of_sanctity.pdfHuman Remains] : The Acknowledgment of Sanctity" Emma Restall Orr, paper delivered at the conference ‘Respect for Ancient British Human Remains: Philosophy and Practice’ Manchester Museum, 17 November 2006]
Honouring the Ancient Dead communicates with academics and museums to raise awareness of the treatment of human remains in the British Isles. [ [http://www.britarch.ac.uk/BA/ba77/issues.shtml British Archaeology 77, July 2004] ] Many museums are sending human remains belonging to native peoples of other countries back for reburial. Where British remains are concerned, it is difficult to prove direct ancestry, nor is there coherence of religious belief through time connecting the ancient dead with the living. However, Honouring the Ancient Dead is challenging museums, curators and scientists to consider the British dead in a new light and to treat all remains with respect. [ [http://www.museumsassociation.org/ma/8125 Museums Association] ] The debate over human remains ranges widely with the needs of science, specific cultures, and the bones themselves under consideration. [ [http://www.archaeology.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1531&Itemid=47 Current Archaeology - Human remains: retain or return?] ] HAD works successfully in cooperation with museums such as TheManchester Museum (with whom it ran a conference in 2006), Leicester Museums, The Museum of London and many others, and has been developing sound relations with the National Trust andEnglish Heritage .fact|date=April 2008 Current government guidelines regarding human remains are sympathetic to genealogical descendants, the cultural community of origin, and the Country of Origin. They require some proof of cultural, spiritual and religious significance of the remains.'Claims are unlikely to be successful for any remains over 300 years old, and are unlikely to be considered for remains over 500 years old, except where a very close and continuous geographical, religious, spiritual and cultural link can be demonstrated.' [ [http://www.culturalpropertyadvice.gov.uk/assets/userfiles/index.php?file=000212.pdf Cultural Property Advice] ]
HAD is backed by PEBBLE, the Public Bodies Liaison Group for British Paganism. [http://www.pebble.uk.net/ PEBBLE website] ]References
External links
* [http://www.honour.org.uk/ Honoring the Ancient Dead] Official website
* [http://www.newstatesman.com/200611060020 Grateful dead] Article in the New Statesman
* [http://arts.guardian.co.uk/art/news/story/0,,2006202,00.html Give us back our bones, pagans tell museums] Article in The Guardian
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