Alta Club

Alta Club

The Alta Club is a private social gentlemen's club in downtown Salt Lake City, UT named for a local mining district. It was founded in 1883, 13 years before Utah's accession as a state, and currently boasts 630 members. The Alta Club serves as a forum for business development and social interaction, and offers facilities for dining, social events, and business meetings.

The Clubhouse is located at:
100 East South Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84111


such as those back east and in England was floated among the group.


In October, 1881 a letter was sent out to 100 prospective members, detailing terms of membership as $100 as a membership fee and $5 monthly dues. The letter was signed by W.S. McCornick, the club's first president. Of note was that the letter was only sent around to non-Mormons, including two Jewish businessmen in the area, F.H. Auerbach and A. Hanauer. It was reasoned that the club, representing English ideals, would have, "a card room, a bar stocked with the finest liquors and wines available in the territory, a tobacco stand with the best cigars, and a dining room under orders to serve the best food in the city and the best steaks in the territory." [ The Alta Club: 1883-1974 by O. N. Malmquist, Salt Lake City, privately published in 1974. 2nd Ed 1998. Page 3] Such an environment would not be acceptable to Mormon members, so it was assumed they would not join. However, no formal rule was issued to bar Mormons from joining.

In March 3, 1883, 81 charter members formally signed the Alta Club Articles of Incorporation. An opening ceremony was held in Liberty Park. In addition to the 81 charter members, in attendance was Wilford Woodruff, a later president of the Mormon Church and Utah territorial Governor Eli H. Murray. The club took up its first residence in the Alta Block, located at 21 West 200 South. [The Alta Club: 1883-1974 by O. N. Malmquist, Salt Lake City, privately published in 1974. 2nd Ed 1998. Page 23]

New Clubhouse

After collecting dues for several years and adding to its membership roster, the club built its current location on the corner of 100 East South Temple. They occupied the building on June 1, 1898. As time progressed, the Alta Club grew in stature and in membership. In 1910, the building was expanded with an East wing to bring it to its present size. The old main entrance facing South Temple was turned into the woman's and guest's entrance, and the main entrance moved to the North side of the building. [Utah Geological Survey,] The club has operated out of this building since that time.

Great Depression

Along with many other industries and institutions the mining industry, long a major contributor to the affluence of the Alta Club, was hard hit by the depression of the 1930s. Consequently, the club suffered. During that time, however, new ways of club financing, including the installation of slot machines and the employment of Waldo L. Stewart as club manager rescued the club and put it on sound footing. [The Alta Club Papers,]

Present Day

In 1987, following a successful anti-discrimination lawsuit, a lot of late-night meetings by the ruling members, and the threat of losing its alcoholic beverage license, the Alta Club repealed its ban on non-widow women members. Deedee Corradini, then a Chamber of Commerce executive and later mayor of Salt Lake City; Genevieve Atwood, Utah State Geologist; and Annette P. Cumming, a prominent local Democrat and philanthropist, became the first female members. There are now more than 50 individual women members of the club. In 2008, the Alta Club elected Ceri Jones as their first female president. ["Alta's New Look" Paul Beebe. The Salt Lake Tribune. Salt Lake City, Utah: Dec 22, 2007.]

In 2001, a $4 Million project was undertaken to completely renovate the clubhouse. No internal changes were made, and the spirit and decor of the Alta Club remained in traditional Arts & Crafts style. The guest rooms on the 3rd floor, closed since the 1950s due to noncompliance with fire codes, were completely overhauled and opened for guests again. This renovation allowed the French delegation to the 2002 Olympic Winter Games, held in Salt Lake City, to reside at the clubhouse. ["Alta Club is Alive, Well" Max Knudson. The Deseret News. Salt Lake City, Utah: Apr 23, 2001.]


The Alta Club currently offers a formal dining room, meeting and social rooms, a bar, a grill, card rooms, billiards, a member library, 20 guest rooms, and a fitness center. Special annual events include:
*New Years Reception, which as many as four to five hundred members have attended annually.
*The Annual Meeting, held on the first Saturday after January 1, features entertainment and a prominent keynote speaker. Here the elections of officers and directors occurs.
*St. Patrick's Day Party, in March, celebrates many of the Irish traditions of founding members.
*Easter Brunch and Dinners, attended annually by up to five hundred.
*24th of July Parade, guests stay in the club overnight and wake up to watch the Pioneer Day parade.
*Golf Tournament, held in September at the Salt Lake Country Club. The club has also held tennis and Gin Rummy tournaments.
*Halloween Party, often combined with a wine tasting event.
*Club Night, held monthly, features a special buffet, a guest speaker, and important club business is attended to.

Notable Members

Today, the Alta Club membership includes 630 members. Notable members include:
*Pete Ashdown
*Senator Robert Bennett
*Representative Chris Cannon
*Senator Orrin Hatch

ee also

*List of American gentlemen's clubs
* [ Alta Club Photo Library]
* [ Alta Club Website]


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