- Papal conclave, 1431
Papal conclave 1431 (
March 2 –March 3 ,1431 ) convened after the death ofPope Martin V , elected as his successor cardinal Gabriele Condulmer, who took the name Eugene IV. It was the firstpapal conclave held after the end of theGreat Western Schism .List of participants
Pope Martin V died on
February 20 ,1431 . At the time of his death, there were 22 living cardinals, but only 19 were considered to be valid electors. 13 of them participated in the conclave:The election of Pope Eugene IV
March 2 all cardinals present in Rome entered the conclave in the church S. Maria sopra Minerva. Initially, the electors prepared and subscribed theconclave capitulation . The terms of the capitulation were following:• Half of papal revenue was to be shared with the College of Cardinals
• No major issues were to be decided without the consent of the College
The first scrutiny took place on the following day and ended with unanimous election of Cardinal Gabriele Condulmer, who took the name of
Eugene IV . OnMarch 11 he was solmenly crowned in the steps of the patriarchalVatican Basilica by CardinalLucido Conti ,protodeacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin.ources
* [http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/conclave-xv.htm#1431 Salvador Miranda: list of participants of the papal conclave of 1431]
* [http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/election-eugeniusiv.htm Francis Burkle-Young “Papal elections in the Fifteenth Century: the election of Eugenius IV]
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