Morgase Trakand

Morgase Trakand

Morgase Trakand is a character in the "Wheel of Time" fantasy series by Robert Jordan.

Morgase Trakand, by the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand, is the ruler of Andor, and was the wife of Taringail Damodred, thought deceased. She has two children, Elayne and Gawyn, and is stepmother to Galad Damodred. She has blue eyes and long red-gold curls and is described as having her daughter's beauty, matured and ripened.

Morgase first entered the White Tower at age 14, although she has little talent in the Power, and returned to Andor before she was 16 to lay claim to the Lion Throne following her distant cousin Tigraine Mantear's disappearance. She married Taringail in order to solidify her claim to the throne, and after his death briefly took Thom Merrilin as her lover. She was a fair and capable ruler, with a soft spot for the less fortunate.

Morgase later fell under Compulsion by "Lord Gaebril", actually one of the Forsaken Rahvin, who became her advisor and lover. Under his influence, she exiled many of her most loyal supporters (including Gareth Bryne, her former Captain-General). Upon hearing of the revolt in the Two Rivers, she regained enough control to flee with her nurse Lini, her Guardsman-Lieutenant Martyn Tallanvor, and the very loyal Basel Gill.

For a while, Morgase was a prisoner of the Children of the Light, and during this time she signed a treaty allowing the Children of the Light entry into Andor as a power governed independently from the throne. This treaty was lost when Pedron Niall was assassinated. At this time, while being tortured she officially abdicated her throne to her daughter Elayne. She escaped during a Seanchan attack with the help of Sebban Balwer, Pedron Niall's old spy. Under the name Maighdin Dorlain, she traveled to Ghealdan, where her group was harassed by the followers of the Prophet of the Dragon, Masema Dagar. They were rescued by Perrin Aybara and she swore fealty to him and Faile. She was subsequently captured again by the Shaido Aiel, only to be left for dead by the Black Ajah Aes Sedai Galina Casban. It was only through her training in the One Power that she was able to help save herself, Faile and others from a collapsing building. Morgase and her party were then rescued from the Shaido by Perrin Aybara. Perrin is still unaware of her true identity.

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