- Essexite
Essexite (pronounced|ˈɛsəksaɪt), also called nepheline monzogabbro (IPA|/ˈnɛfəliːn ˌmɒnzoʊˈgæbroʊ/) is a dark gray or black
holocrystalline plutonic igneous rock . Its name is derived from the type locality inEssex County, MA .Modern
petrology identifies rocks according to mineralogical criteria. Utilising theIUGS QAPF diagram of Streckeisen (1974) "essexite" is more formally known asnepheline monzodiorite or nepheline monzogabbro depending on the ratio oforthoclase toplagioclase and the abundance of nepheline.Petrology
In order to produce a
magma composition suitable for forming essexite thepartial melting of the source rocks must be restricted, generally to less than 10% partial melting.This favors producing a melt rich in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) such as K, Ba, Rb, Cs, Sr.
The source melts of essexites contain more aluminium and alkali ions than available silica tetrahedra, which is why essexites crystallise nepheline instead of plagicolase. Higher than normal potassium favors the production of orthoclase, which is usually absent from most mafic igneous rocks.
Essexite can be considered as an alkali
gabbro or monzodiorite primarily composed ofnepheline ,plagioclase , with lesser amounts of alkalifeldspar , with mafic minerals composed of any of the following;titanium augite (pyroxene ),hornblende andbiotite .Trace mineralogy may include
magnetite ,ilmenite and accessoryolivine (<5%).Essexite grades into a nepheline monzogabbro with a decrease in
potassium feldspar and an increase in thefeldspathoid minerals.Geochemstry
Essexite is an alkaline igneous rock equivalent to an alkaline basalt. The presence of
nepheline , afeldspathoid mineral, indicates that essexites are silica undersaturated. The presence of orthoclase indicates that it contains sufficient potassium to favor production of orthoclase overmicrocline or potassicoligoclase .Essexites are generally rich in aluminium, alkalis (sodium and calcium), potassium (>3% K2O), LILE-enriched (
strontium ,caesium andbarium ), as compared totholeiitic basalt s and gabbros.External links
* [http://www.koeln.netsurf.de/~w.steffens/ruse.htm Russian alkaline igneous rock occurrences]
* [http://www.geol.lsu.edu/henry/Geology3041/lectures/02IgneousClassify/IUGS-IgneousClassFlowChart.htm IUGS igneous rock classification flowchart]
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