Bruce Papitto

Bruce Papitto

Bruce Papitto (born 1958) is an American sculptor specializing in large cast bronze installation pieces.

Among his works are public sculptures such as "The Patriot" in Bedford, Massachusetts an 8 1/2' tall sculpted figure of a Revolutionary Era Minuteman carrying the Bedford Flag into the first battle of that war. He also was commissioned to create an 8 foot tall portrait figure of the late U.S. Senator John Chafee located at Colt State Park in Bristol, RI.

More recently he has completed "The Bell Keepers", a composition with 2 six foot tall figures. It is installed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. at a park near the Rio Grande River (at the corner of Rio Grande Blvd and Alameda Blvd). It depicts an imagined scene fromthe Spanish Colonial days, circa early 1700s... when all this land was (more or less) under Spanish rule. At the site of this park, the river would leave its banks during recurring seasonal flooding. As a result, the course of the Rio Grande has changed many times challenging the endurance of the peoples who have occupied the region. During Spanish control, adobe churches were built and, during the most serious floods, many were washed away. Papitto tried to imagine what those colonists would have thought valuable and worth rescuing from a collapsing church.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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