Radio Dei

Radio Dei

Radio station
name = Radio Dei
area = Finland
airdate = 1997
format = Christian Radio
owner = Kristillinen Media Oy
website = [ Radio Dei]

Radio Dei is a Christian radio station in Finland. It broadcasts on 89 MHz in Greater Helsinki area, and on other frequencies in most other big cities in Finland. As well as playing Christian music, Radio Dei offers STT news every hour, and general talk programs. In particular, most listened programs are "Taivaan ja Maan väliltä" (in English: Between Heaven and Earth) by Patmos Lähetyssäätiö broadcasted on Saturday late evenings, and "Raamattu kannesta kanteen" (in English: Bible from beginning to end) by Sanansaattajat mission organization.

Radio Dei also broadcasts on Internet.

External links

* [ Official website]

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