Daily Radar

Daily Radar

Daily Radar was a news aggregator and portal site for Future US's male-oriented content, including sports, film and television, and video games.

On August 23, 2010, Daily Radar's website and all sub-sites (BallHype, ShowHype and several Daily Radar Blips sites) were replaced with a notice that they were "no longer being supported."[1]

Daily Radar started as a gaming website like IGN, GameSpy and GameSpot, and was later renamed and relaunched in the UK as GamesRadar. The site was run by Imagine Media (now Future) and consisted of many editors that contributed to Imagine's print publications. A victim of the dot-com bubble burst,[2] Imagine closed Daily Radar in 2001, weeks shy of E3.[3]

Its name has since been the inspiration for the name of a satirical website, The Daily Raider. It has also been the subject of jokes in the webcomic Penny Arcade.

The website was mentioned on the television show Whose Line is it Anyway? when one of the reviewers employed by the website was sung to by Wayne Brady in the style of Britney Spears.[4]


  1. ^ "Thank You". Daily Radar. http://www.dailyradar.com/thankyou.html. Retrieved Aug 24, 2010. 
  2. ^ "Daily Radar shuts up shop and waves goodbye". GamesPaper. May 1, 2001. http://www.gamespaper.com/news/DailyRadarsiteshutsupsho.shtml. Retrieved Aug 24, 2010. 
  3. ^ Wasson, Scott (May 1, 2001). "Imagine there's no Daily Radar". The Tech Report. http://techreport.com/discussions.x/2395. Retrieved Aug 24, 2010. 
  4. ^ Season 3, episode 38.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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