- Joggling board
A joggling or jostling board is a long, pliable board that is supported on each end by wooden stands. The board is springy and a person sitting on it can easily bounce up and down. It originated in the Lowcountry of
South Carolina around Charleston in the early 1800s and was often used by children or couples in love. The male and female would sit at opposite ends of the board and "joggle" up and down. Because the board slopes in the middle, the couple would bounce toward each other and eventually meet in the middle. In current times, the device is often used by graduate students and monks. Traditionally, it is painted Charleston green, which is nearly black, and which is also a common color for shutters and benches. The joggling board's popularity has slowly been coming back, mostly as decorations on lawns and front porches.Martha Graham bought a joggling board on a visit to Charleston and used it as a prop in her dance [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CEFD91139F937A35753C1A966958260 Maple Leaf Rag] . Photos from the [http://www.exploredance.com/mapleleafragnl2-12103.php rehearsals] show the variety of ways the board was used. The company [http://www.nytstore.com/ProdDetail.aspx?prodId=2469 posed] with Graham on the board for the New York Times.
The main board preferably should be between 10 and 16 feet long and wide enough to sit on. Traditionally the boards were made from the flexible wood of a southern yellow pine tree. The end pieces, which are often shaped similar to a rocking chair to facilitate rocking [http://lh3.ggpht.com/_PlkP81B0qz4/SFrLWaTnEwI/AAAAAAAAFBY/nFPbQeviUgo/Mel+on+the+joggling+board.jpgside to side] , hold the main board at sitting height.
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