Benedetto Luti

Benedetto Luti

Benedetto Luti (1666 – 1724) was an Italian painter.

Luti was born in Florence. He moved to Rome in 1691 where he was patronized by Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, an enthusiast for the pastel portrait. Luti was one of the first artists to work in pastels as the final composition as opposed to initial studies for paintings or frescoes. He also worked in oils and painted frescoes for the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano.

Luti was also a successful art dealer and ran a school of drawing; among his pupils were Giovanni Domenico Piastrini, Giovanni Paolo Panini, Jean-Baptiste van Loo, and Charles-André van Loo.


*cite book|first=E.|last=Peters Brown|chapter=Benedetto Luti|title=Art in Rome in the Eighteenth Century|location=Philadelphia/London|year=2000|pasges=pp. 392-399

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