Ludovic Hubler

Ludovic Hubler

Ludovic Hubler is a French hitchhiker, most famous for his 5 year long tour of the world. [cite news | title = Learning about life on ROAD | publisher = Townsville Bulletin | author = Ian Frazer | url = | date = 15 April 2006 | accessdate = 2008-02-12] [cite news | title = Hitchhiker gets thumbs up | publisher = Westchester Herald (Illinois) | author = Chuck Fieldman | date = May 4 2005 | url = | accessdate = 2008-02-12]

One of three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Hubler, Hubler was born in Bar-le-Duc, France on 11 September 1977. He started hitchhiking adventures in college where he hitchhiked 40,000 km in Europe, but his [ Ludovic Hubler's Travel] ] greatest contribution to hitchhiking includes his 2003-2008 tour of the world by hitchhiking during which he traveled over 170,000 km through 59 countries on 1,300 different vehicles - all this while spending nothing on transport (apart from urban transport and two-way trips with a return to starting point) and an estimated daily budget of US$10. [cite news | title = Hitch a ride, see the world | publisher = China Daily | author = Xie Fang | date = January 12 2007 | url = | accessdate = 2008-02-12]


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