Postnikov system

Postnikov system

In homotopy theory, a branch of algebraic topology, a Postnikov system (or Postnikov tower) is a way of constructing a topological space from its homotopy groups. Postnikov systems were introduced, and named after, Mikhail Postnikov.

The Postnikov system of a path-connected space "X" is a tower of spaces …→ "Xn" →…→ "X"1→ "X"0 with the following properties:

  • each map "Xn"→"X""n"−1 is a fibration;
  • π"k"("X""n") = π"k"("X") for "k" ≤ "n";
  • π"k"("X""n") = 0 for "k" > "n".

Every path-connected space has such a Postnikov system, and it is unique up to homotopy. The space "X" can be reconstructed from the Postnikov system as its inverse limit: "X" = lim"n" "X""n". By the long exact sequence for the fibration "Xn"→"X""n"−1, the fiber (call it "K""n") has a single homotopy group in degree "n"; it is thus an Eilenberg-Mac Lane space of type "K"(π"n"("X"), "n"). The Postnikov system can be thought of as a way of constructing "X" out of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces.



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