EUREF Permanent Network

EUREF Permanent Network

EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) is a European Network of more than 200 continuously operating GNSS reference stations with precisely known coordinates referenced to the ETRS89. EPN is the key instrument in the maintenance of ETRS89 geodetic datum. The EPN stations collect continuously the observation data from high accuracy GPS/GLONASS receivers. The data is processed in the centralized way in a few data processing centres. EPN is created and maintained by a voluntary agreement of about 100 European agencies and universities. EPN activities are coordinated by EUREF. [C. Bruyninx, M. Becker and G. Stangl. Regional Densification of the IGS in Europe Using the EUREF Permanent GPS Network, Phys. Chem. Earth, 26, No 6-8, 2001, pp.531-538] [C. Bruyninx. The EUREF Permanent Network: a multi-disciplinary network serving surveyors as well as scientists. GeoInformatics, 7, 2004, pp. 32-35] [A. Kenyeres, C. Bruyninx. Monitoring of the EPN Coordinate Time Series for Improved Reference Frame Maintenance", GPS solutions, 8, 4, 2004, pp. 200-209.]


The EPN consists of the following components:

*"Tracking Stations" include GNSS tracking receivers and antennae on suitable geodetic markers.
*"Operational Centres" perform data validation, conversion of raw data to the RINEX format, data compression, and upload to "Local Data Centres".
*"Local Data Centres" store the data of "Tracking Stations" and disseminate them via the Internet.
*"Local Analysis Centres" process a subnetwork of EPN stations and deliver weekly subnetwork solutions to "Combination Centres".
*"Combination Centres" combine subnetwork solutions into one official EPN solution, which is weekly sent to the IGS for the integration in the global GNSS network solution.
*"Central Bureau" manages day-to-day the activities of EPN. It is located at the Royal Observatory of Belgium in Brussels.

Data and products

EPN "data" are raw GPS/GLONASS pseudorange and phase observations, broadcast ephemerides, and supporting types of raw data (such as meteorological) as they are gathered by the "Tracking Stations". The EPN "data" is available in daily, hourly, 15-min RINEX-formatted files, and for many stations as a real-time data stream via NTRIP.

EPN "products" include
*best-known coordinates of the "Tracking Stations" in both ETRS89 and ITRS geodetic datums;
*time series of the coordinates of the "Tracking Stations";
*tropospheric zenith path delays at all the "Tracking Stations".


External links

* [ EPN home page]
* [ List of all the analysis centres]
* [ EPN data and products at BKG]
* [ EPN data and products at OLG]
* [ EPN data at ROB]
* [ NTRIP broadcaster of real-time EPN data]

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