Episcopal Diocese of Taiwan

Episcopal Diocese of Taiwan

name=Episcopal Diocese of Taiwan

province=Province VIII
bishop=David Lai
cathedral=St. John's Cathedral, Taipei

The Taiwan Episcopal Church or Episcopal Diocese of Taiwan (臺灣聖公會, 聖公會臺灣教區) is a diocese in the Province 8 of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America comprising the Taiwan (Republic of China). The diocese is established by the Episcopal Church in 1954.

Its History

The Taiwan Episcopal Church’s history is relatively new, starting from 1949, when the Episcopalians moved to Taiwan from mainland China along with the Chinese Nationalists. It was formally established in 1954 as the Diocese of Taiwan, belonging to Province VIII of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America.

Its Parishes

  • Epiphany Church
    7 Lane 105 Han-Chou Road Section 1, Taipei City
  • St. John's Cathedral (Diocesan Cathedral)
    280 Fu-Hsing South Road Section 2, Taipei City
  • [http://www.goodshepherd.com.tw/english/ The Church of The Good Shepherd]
    509 Chung Cheng Road, Shihlin District, Taipei City
  • Holy Trinity Church
    163 Tung Ming Road, Keelung City
  • St. Luke's Church
    1-6 Ming Hsin Street, Hualien City
  • St. James Church
    1-6 Ming Hsin Street, Hualien City

  • St. Peter's Church
    8 Hsin Chung Street, Chiayi City
  • Grace Church
    24 Lane 550 Tsung Te Road, Tainan City
  • All Saints' Church
    5 Chieh Shou Road Kangshan Tsen, Kaohsiung County
  • St. Paul's Church
    200 Tzu Chiang 1st Road San Min District, Kaohsiung City
  • St. Timothy's Church
    3F. No. 262 Chung-hsiao 1st. Rd. Hsin-Hsing District, Kaohsiung City
  • St. Mark's Church
    120 - 11 Chung Hsiao Road, Pingtung City
  • (As of 1999)

    Its Bishops

    * Bishop N.T. Kan (1954-1960, zh-t|甘納德主教)
    * Bishop E.S. Chi (1961-1964, zh-t|吉爾生主教)
    * Bishop C.L. Wang (1965-1970, zh-t|王長齡主教)
    * Bishop T.M. Pang (1971-1979, zh-t|龐德明主教)
    * Bishop P.Y. Chang (1980-1987, zh-t|張培揚主教)
    * Bishop John C.T. Chien (1988-2001, zh-t|簡啟聰主教)
    * Bishop David J.H. Lai (2001-, zh-t|賴榮信主教)

    ee also

    * Province 8 of ECUSA
    * Episcopal Church in the United States of America (ECUSA)
    * Anglicanism
    * Anglican Communion


    * [http://www.threeweb.ad.jp/logos/seikokai/taiwan1999.html#en A Pilgrimage to Taiwan 1999]

    External links

    * [http://www.episcopalchurch.org.tw/ Anglican Church in Taiwan]
    * [http://www.anglicancommunion.org/ Anglican Communion]

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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