

Infobox Military Unit
unit_name= Salk

caption= Standard Estonian military map symbol for a fireteam.
dates= present
country= EST
branch= Estonian Ground Force
type= infantry
size= 5
equipment= small firearms
grenade launchers
current_commander= Corporal

Salk, ( _en. fireteam) is a small military unit led by a senior soldier that is subordinate to an infantry squad. "Salk" is bigger than a lahingpaar ("fire and maneuver team") but smaller than a jagu ("squad"). It is also one of the smallest military formation among the Estonian Ground Force infantry units. [ Estonian Defence Forces formations]


It usually consists three to five soldiers, and may be further subdivided into fire and maneuver teams. A "salk" is composed of two fire and maneuver teams of two soldiers each, as well as a fireteam leader ("salgapealik") who is usually a corporal ("kapral"). [ Eesti relvajõudude ametikohtade tunnused]


One single "salk" is meant to operate on a battlefield along with other "salk's" on a landscale not creator than 50 x 100 metres. The is no logistical support elements in the structure of a "jagu".

Other military uses

In the Canadian Army 'fireteam' refers to two soldiers paired for fire and movement. Two fireteams form an 'assault group' and two assault groups form a section of eight soldiers. Many other armed forces see the squad as the smallest military unit; some countries' armies have a pair consisting of two soldiers as the smallest military unit. In others a fireteam is composed of two pairs of soldiers (fire and maneuver team) forming a fireteam.

ee also

*Military science
*Lahingpaar ( _en. Fire and maneuver team)
*Jagu ( _en. Squad)

Notes and references

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