

In phonology, apocope (pron-en|əˈpɒkəpi, from the Greek "apokoptein" "cutting off", from "apo-" "away from" and "koptein" "to cut") is the loss of one or more sounds from the end of a word, and especially the loss of an unstressed vowel.

Historical sound change

In historical phonetics, the term "apocope" is often (but not always) limited to the loss of an unstressed vowel.

Loss of an unstressed vowel (with nasal)

*Vulgar Latin "pan [em] " > Spanish "pan" ("bread")
*Vulgar Latin "lup [um] " > French "loup" ("wolf")
*Latin "strat [am] " > English "street"

Loss of other sounds

*Latin "illu [d] " > Spanish "ello"

Case marker

In the Estonian language and Sami language, apocopes help explain the forms of grammatical cases. For example, a nominative is described as having apocope of the final vowel, while the genitive does not. Historicaly, however, the genitive case marker has also undergone apocope: so "linn" ("a city") vs. "linna" ("of a city"), is derived from "linna" and "linnan", respectively. In the genitive form, final /n/, while being deleted, blocked the loss of /a/.

Grammatical rule

Some languages have apocopations internalized as mandatory forms. In Spanish, for example, many adjectives that come before the noun lose the final vowel when they precede a noun in the masculine singular form. The word "grande" ("big"/"great") becomes "gran". In these cases, one would say "gran aventura" ("great adventure") rather than "grande aventura".

Poetic device

*German "ich gebe" > poetic "ich geb"' ("I give")

Informal speech

Various sorts of informal abbreviations might be classed as apocope:
*English "photograph" > "photo"
*French "réactionnaire" > "réac" "reactionary"
*English "animation" > Japanese "anime-shon" > "anime"
*English "synchronization" > "sync"
*English "lotion" > "lo"
*English "Alexander" > "Alex" and so on with other diminutives

For a list of similar apocopations in the English language, see List of English apocopations.These processes are also linguistically subsumed under a process called truncation.

ee also

* Abbreviation
* Acronym
* Apheresis
* contraction
* Elision
* Initialism
* Syncope


*Crowley, Terry. (1997) "An Introduction to Historical Linguistics." 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.

External links

* [http://www.worldwidewords.org/weirdwords/ww-apo1.htm World Wide Words: Apocope]

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  • apocope — [ apɔkɔp ] n. f. • 1521; lat. gramm. d o. gr. apocopa ♦ Ling. Chute d un phonème, d une ou plusieurs syllabes à la fin d un mot (opposé à aphérèse).⇒ troncation. On dit « télé » pour « télévision », « mat » pour « matin » par apocope. Adj.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • apocopé — apocope [ apɔkɔp ] n. f. • 1521; lat. gramm. d o. gr. apocopa ♦ Ling. Chute d un phonème, d une ou plusieurs syllabes à la fin d un mot (opposé à aphérèse).⇒ troncation. On dit « télé » pour « télévision », « mat » pour « matin » par apocope. Adj …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Apocope — A*poc o*pe, n. [L., fr. Gr. ? a cutting off, fr. ? to cut off; ? from + ? to cut.] 1. The cutting off, or omission, of the last letter, syllable, or part of a word. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) A cutting off; abscission. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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