

Shcherbakov ( _ru. Щербаков), or Shcherbakova (feminine; Щербакова) is a common Russian last name and may refer to the following:


*Alexander Shcherbakov (pilot) (1925-?), a Soviet aircraft pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union
*Aleksandr Shcherbakov (1901-1945), a Soviet statesman and politician.
*Alexei Schcherbakov, a Russian aircraft designer
*Dmitry Shcherbakov (1893-1966), a Russian geologist and geochemist
*Evgeny Shcherbakov (born 1958), a Russian/Soviet composer and conductor
*Leonid Shcherbakov (1936-?), a Soviet/Russian army officer and Hero of Russia
*Pavel Shcherbakov (1924-1945), a Soviet army officer and Hero of the Soviet Union
*Pyotr Shcherbakov (1887-1917), a Russian revolutionary
*Vasili Shcherbakov (1921-2004), a Soviet army officer and Hero of the Soviet Union
*Vasili Shcherbakov (pilot) (1951-?), a Soviet aircraft pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union
*Vladimir Shcherbakov (1945-1993), Soviet international footballer
*Vladimir Shcherbachov (1889-1952), a Russian/Soviet composer and teacher
*Yakov Shcherbakov (1915-?), a Soviet soldier and Hero of the Soviet Union


* A former name of Rybinsk, a city in Russia
* Shcherbakov Shche-2 aircraft

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