Burmese constitutional referendum, 2008

Burmese constitutional referendum, 2008

The constitutional referendum was held in Burma (also known as Myanmar) on 10 May 2008 (24 May 2008 in some townships) according to an announcement by the State Peace and Development Council in February 2008. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7236648.stm Burma sets date for popular votes] BBC News, 9 February 2008] According to the military government, the new Constitution will ensure the creation of a "discipline-flourishing democracy". [ [http://www.abc.net.au/ra/news/stories/200804/s2213458.htm?tab=latest "Burma's military issues warning before poll"] , ABC Radio Australia, April 9, 2008] Multi-party elections are to follow in 2010.

The constitutional referendum law was enacted and a referendum commission was set up on 26 February 2008. [ [http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90851/6361409.html Myanmar enacts constitutional referendum law, form referendum commission - People's Daily Online ] ] Reportedly, the law ensures the secret casting of votes and requires a public count of the ballots to prove it is fair. [ [http://english.eastday.com/eastday/englishedition/world/userobject1ai3431075.html english.eastday.com ] ]

The constitution draft was published and the date of the referendum finally announced on 9 April 2008. Among the changes that the referendum seeks to make are:
* a quarter of the parliamentary seats would be reserved for military officers
* the Ministry of Home Affairs would fall exclusively under military control [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7338815.stm New Burma constitution published] , "BBC", 2008-04-09, accessed on 2008-04-10]
* anyone married to a non-Burmese would be barred from running for the presidency. [http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/world/view/20080420-131573/Many-voices-silenced-as-Myanmar-vote-campaign-gets-under-way Many voices silenced as Myanmar vote campaign gets under way] , "Philippine Daily Inquirer", 2008-04-20] Many international media reports suggest that this provision would have the effect of making opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi ineligible for the presidency [ [http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5hdzlET4wtgI_H2_23kAR75kNhr8A AFP: Ban on Suu Kyi shatters hopes for Myanmar polls: analysts ] ] , although her British husband died in 1999.


Three weeks before the referendum, the front page of the state press headlined "Let's vote Yes for national interest". Many songs, poems, cartoons, and editorials urging people to vote "Yes" were in local and national news media. [http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/world/view/20080420-131573/Many-voices-silenced-as-Myanmar-vote-campaign-gets-under-way Many voices silenced as Myanmar vote campaign gets under way] , "Philippine Daily Inquirer", 2008-04-20]

The opposition National League for Democracy called for people to vote No to the constitution. [ [http://voanews.com/english/2008-04-02-voa18.cfm Main Burmese Opposition Party Calls for Defeat of Draft Constitution] , "Voice of America", 2008-04-02, accessed on 2008-04-02] However, the NLD claimed their campaign against the constitution was violently suppressed, with activists arrested and material confiscated.

The Kachin Independence Organization, an opposition group which participated in the government's "National Convention" process, called on its members to abstain, saying the government had failed to respond to its demands. [ [http://www.mizzima.com/referendum/17-referendum-watch/337-kio-to-abstain-from-referendum KIO To Abstain From Referendum] , "Mizzima", 2008-04-09]


Cyclone Nargis hit Burma a few days before the referendum, and the vote was postponed to 24 May in the most severely affected areas – seven out of 26 townships in Irrawaddy Division and 40 out of 45 townships in Yangon Division. [ [http://www.forbes.com/afxnewslimited/feeds/afx/2008/05/06/afx4973005.html Myanmar says referendum will go ahead in most of country] , "Forbes", 2008-05-06, accessed on 2008-05-07] United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for the referendum to be postponed in full to concentrate on the "national tragedy", but the government rejected this. The Junta came under heavy criticism for diverting critical resources from survivors toward the referendum, including evicting refugees from shelters such as schools so that these can be used as polling stations. [ [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20080513.MYANMAR13/TPStory/TPInternational/Asia/ "Aid agencies plead for Myanmar entry visas"] , "Globe & Mail", May 13, 2008] Massive fraud and intimidation was also reported. [ [http://www.radionetherlands.nl/news/international/5776611/Myanmar-referendum-marred-by-fraud "Myanmar referendum "marred by fraud"] , "Radio Netherlands", May 11, 2008]

On May 6, 2008, the United States Congress passed a condemnation of the Burmese constitution and referendum, by a 413-1 vote (the No vote cast by Ron Paul). [ [http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/110/house/2/votes/251] ]


There were many allegations of electoral fraud on the day of the election, including:

* A village visited by officials in advance of the referendum where 185 people were forced to vote "yes" with absentee ballots [ [http://www.mizzima.com/referendum/469-villagers-complain-to-commission-over-forcible-voting Villagers complain to commission over forcible voting] , "Mizzima", 2008-05-08]
* Officials giving out ballot papers already filled in with a tick [http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=11923 Massive Cheating Reported from Referendum Polling Stations] , "The Irrawaddy", 2008-05-10, accessed on 2008-05-10]
* Voters ordered to complete votes for their relatives [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7393648.stm Burmese voice anger on poll day] , "BBC", 2008-05-10, accessed on 2008-05-10]
* Government officials sitting close to the ballot boxes and telling voters how to vote
* Voters bribed to vote yes [http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/breakingnews.php?id=127583 UN flies in aid, as Burmese junta conducts polls] , "Bangkok Post", 2008-05-10, accessed on 2008-05-10]
* Officials closing polling stations at 11am and then going to the houses of people who hadn't voted and making them vote then

Opposition groups including the All Burma Monks Alliance, the 88 Generation Students and the All Burma Federation of Student Unions described the referendum as a sham.

Voting dates

10 May 2008

After the first day of the referendum, the Democratic Promotion Organ of Burma and the Democratic Voice of Burma complained about election fraud. They claimed that, according to witness reports, it was impossible to vote for the opposition because voters were issued voting ballots that had already been marked "support" and that people declining to accept such a pre-marked ballot were sent to prison. It is also reported that there were two separate ballot boxes which were monitored by officials who could record how people voted and that this might intimidate voters or allow for later recriminations. Furthermore, as with many referenda relating to procedural matters, there is concern that many people did not understand the detail of what they were voting for in the referendum and that this might have affected the vote. The Burmese junta stated that this referendum will easily be supported. [ [http://www.thairath.co.th/online.php?section=newsthairathonline&content=89358 "Public cried: dirty referendum, already-designated result",] Thairath, 2008-05-11, retrieved on 2008-05-11.]

24 May 2008


The day after the election, local media cited informal reports of referendum results as follows: [http://www.mizzima.com/referendum/17-referendum-watch/498-a-smattering-of-poll-results-trickles-in A smattering of poll results trickles in] , "Mizzima", 2008-05-11]

* Seven constituencies in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Division: 67% Yes
* Meikhtila Township, Mandalay Division: 67% Yes
* Five townships in Kachin State: 62% Yes
* Two townships in Shan State: 67% No
* Yenanchaung Township, Magwe Division: 53% Yes

Final results were not expected before the end of May; they were announced on 30 May 2008. [ [http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90851/6421254.html Myanmar formally announces ratification of new constitution draft - People's Daily Online ] ]

On 15 May 2008, the junta announced that the constitution had been approved by 92.4% of voters, claiming a 99% turnout in the two-thirds of the region that had held the vote. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7402105.stm Burma 'approves new constitution'] ]


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