Teachers in Islam

Teachers in Islam

There are many concepts of teachers in Islam. Islam is in contrast to many westerners understanding an explicitly non-hierarchical spiritual community, but the concepts and names for spiritual teachers and secular functions are often mixed and confused:
* The Marja is a label used by the Shia community, meaning source to follow.
* Allamah is the most respected of the Marjas are entitled Allamah. This Persian name for Teacher is also used by some Sunnis to denote a teacher of extraordinary respect.
* Ulema/Ulama is the title that indicates that the teacher has come to awareness of the consensus, the ijma, of the Umma. Umma is the universal community of all the children of God as understood by the Muslim community (cf. Sangha, Ecclesia)
* Mufti is a guide on "the Path to the Source of living Water" (the divine sharia law) is called Mufti.
* Muhaddith is someone who has profound knowledge of the Haddith, and teaches by Narration, or storytelling.
* Mullah is often the title of the teachers at the Madrasahs, Islamic schools. Mullah is a teacher in regard of being respected as a vicar and guardian of Qur'an and the Islamic traditions.
* The Shia believe that an Imam can lead mankind in all aspects of life. The Imam is appointed by God. Muhammed informed that the number of Imams after him will be 12. The majority of the Muslim world are awaiting the 12th Imam: The Mahdi, either as a first time appearance or as a reappearance after a long occultation. The Mahdi is the greatest teacher, the Messiah of the Islamic World, and the Maitreya of Buddhism.
* Mawlawi is a Persian word for teacher meaning Master.
* Sheikh is sheikh is an Arabic honorific term that literally means Elder. It is a long historic debate in many cultures whether the elder in itself denotes the role and status of a teacher.
* Ayatollah is a high ranking title given to Shi'a clerics.
* Mujaddidis someone is sent by God to aid the Umma and revive Islam at the beginning of every century .
* Maraboutis a spiritual teacher of Islam as it is taught in the West Africa and Maghreb, The word comes from the Berber concept of Saint. The "marabout" is known as "Sayyed" (سيد) to the Arabic speaking Maghribians

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