The Wayside (Henry Demarest Lloyd House) — Infobox nrhp | name = The Wayside nrhp type =nhl caption = location= 830 Sheridan Road, Winnetka, Illinois lat degrees = 42 lat minutes = 6 lat seconds = 50.97 lat direction = N long degrees = 87 long minutes = 43 long seconds = 56.03 long… … Wikipedia
Lloyd, Henry Demarest — ▪ American journalist born May 1, 1847, New York City died Sept. 28, 1903, Chicago U.S. journalist whose exposés of the abuses of industrial monopolies are classics of muckraking journalism. Lloyd was educated at Columbia College and… … Universalium
Lloyd — [lɔɪd], 1) Frank, amerikanischer Filmregisseur schottischer Herkunft, * Glasgow 2. 2. 1888 (?), ✝ Los Angeles (Calif.) 1960; ab 1913 in den USA; schuf neben zahlreichen kommerziellen Filmen herausragende Werke. Filme: The divine lady… … Universal-Lexikon
Nordamerikanische Literatur — (in englischer Sprache). Die n. L. im engern Sinne fängt mit der Revolution an, ihre Anfänge aber reichen weit in die Kolonialzeit zurück. Als das erste Werk amerikanischen Schrifttums gilt der im J. 1608 veröffentlichte Bericht des Kapitäns John … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
National Register of Historic Places listings in Cook County, Illinois — For places listed on the National Register in Chicago, see National Register of Historic Places listings in Chicago. Map of all coordinates from Google Map of all coordinates from Bing … Wikipedia
Cunningham, Kate Richards O'Hare — ▪ American reformer née Kathleen Richards born March 26, 1877, near Ada, Ottawa county, Kansas, U.S. died Jan. 10, 1948, Benicia, Calif. American socialist and reformer whose vocal political activism led to a brief prison stint and a… … Universalium
ÉTATS-UNIS - Histoire — L’histoire des États Unis est celle de l’ascension extrêmement rapide de colonies sous domination anglaise au stade de grande puissance mondiale. Les premiers colons débarquent en Virginie au XVIIe siècle, leurs descendants obtiennent leur… … Encyclopédie Universelle
List of Columbia College people — The following list contains only notable graduates and former students of Columbia College, the undergraduate liberal arts division of Columbia University, and its predecessor, from 1754 to 1776, King s College. For a full list of individuals… … Wikipedia
Muckraker — McClure s (cover, Jan, 1901) published many early muckraker articles. The term muckraker is closely associated with reform oriented journalists who wrote largely for popular magazines, continued a tradition of investigative journalism reporting,… … Wikipedia
May 1 — This article is about the date May 1. For the labor related holiday, see International Workers Day; for the traditional holiday, see May Day. << May 2011 >> Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 … Wikipedia