Ulead Systems

Ulead Systems

company_name = Ulead Systems, Inc.
company_type = subsidiary
foundation = Taipei, Taiwan (August 5, 1989)
location_city = flagicon|Taiwan Taipei
location_country = Taiwan
key_people = Lotus Chen, Founder
Way-Zen Chen, Founder
Lewis Liaw, Founder
Steve Ro, Chairman
Eldon Liu, CEO
industry = Software publishing
parent = Corel Corporation
products = Computer software
revenue = USD 34.46 million (2005)
num_employees = 287 in Ulead Headquarter (January 31, 2006)
homepage = [http://www.ulead.com www.ulead.com]

Ulead Systems is a Taiwanese computer software company headquartered in Neihu district in Taipei, Taiwan. It is a subsidiary of Corel Corporation.


Ulead was founded in August 5, 1989 by Lotus Chen, Lewis Liaw and Way-Zen Chen. They founded Ulead with the support of Microtek after leaving Taiwan's Institute for Information Industry in order to further develop and commercialize their first true color image editing software, PhotoStyler, on the Windows platform.

Ulead sold PhotoStyler through Aldus software as a software developer. However, Aldus merged into Adobe Systems in 1994 and PhotoStyler is no longer available. Ulead then continued to develop PhotoImpact 3 as its flagship image editor and sell PhotoImpact by itself. Today, PhotoImpact is known as a competitor of Adobe Photoshop.

Ulead Systems then extended its development of multimedia software in various areas such as video editing, media management, web utility, DVD authoring and digital home.

On September 17, 2001, Ulead was listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange as [http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=2487.TW 2487.TW] .

On April 13, 2005, InterVideo acquired Ulead Systems for approximately $68 million. On July 9, 2006, InterVideo announced its merger with Ulead to be completed on December 28, 2006.

On 28 August, 2006, Corel Corporation announced that it would acquire InterVideo for about $196 million. [cite web|publisher=Financial Times|date=2006-08-28|accessdate=2006-09-10|url=http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2785070a-36b1-11db-89d6-0000779e2340.html|title=Corel buys InterVideo for $196m|first=Chris|last=Nuttall]

On October 24, 2006, Ulead was unlisted on the Taiwan Stock Exchange.Fact|date=August 2007

On December 12, 2006, Corel announced the acquisition of InterVideo and Ulead had been completed. [ [http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite?c=Content_C1&cid=1165614963089&lc=en&pagename=CorelCom%2FLayout Corel's letter to customers on the InterVideo Ulead acquisition] ]



* VideoStudio
* MediaStudio Pro/VideoGraphics Lab
* VideoTool Box
* COOL 3D, COOL 3D Production Studio


* Burn.Now
* DVD MovieFactory
* DVD PictureShow
* DVD WorkShop


* COOL 360
* PhotoImpact
* IPhoto Plus
* Photo Explorer
* PhotoExpress
* My Scrapbook

Web Utility

* GIF Animator
* GIF-X.Plug-in
* Menu.Applet
* SmartSaver Pro

Pocket Software

* Pocket SlideShow
* Pocket DV Show

Digital home

* InstaMedia


See also

*Ulead MediaStudio Pro
*Corel Corporation

External links

* [http://www.ulead.com Ulead Systems]
* [http://www.ulead.de Ulead Systems Germany]
* [http://www.internetvideomag.com/Articles_2007/052307_UleadVideoStudio11.htm First Look at Ulead Videostudio 11]

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