- Isidor Kaufman
Isidor Kaufmann (
March 22 ,1853 -1921) was an Austro-Hungarian painter ofJew ish themes. Having devoted his career to genre painting, he traveled throughoutEastern Europe in search of scenes of Jewish, often Hasidic life.Born to Hungarian Jewish parents in Arad,
Kingdom of Hungary (presently inRomania ), Kaufman was originally destined for a commercial career, and could fulfill his wish to become a painter only later in life.In 1875 he went to the "
Landes-Zeichenschule " inBudapest , where he remained for one year. In 1876, he left forVienna , but being refused admission to the Academy of Fine Arts there, he became a pupil of the portrait-painter Aigner. He then entered the "Malerschule" of the Vienna Academy, and later became a private pupil of ProfessorTrenkwald .His most noted paintings refer to the life of Jews in Poland. They include: "Der Besuch des
Rabbi " (the original of which was owned by Emperor Franz Joseph I, in theKunsthistorisches Museum ), "Schachspieler", "Der Zweifler" (for which he received the gold medal at the "Weltausstellung" of 1873).Kaufmann's other honors include: the Baron
Königswarter "Künstler-Preis", thegold medal of the Emperor of Germany, a gold medal of the International Exhibition atMunich , and a medal of the third class at the Exposition Universelle inParis .References
*JewishEncyclopedia [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=142&letter=K Article by Isidore Singer and Laura Landau] , which in turn cites as reference:
**Alexander Kohut , "Berühmte Israelitische Männer und Frauen"
*ro icon [http://www.unibuc.ro/eBooks/filologie/hebra/2-14.htm Ileana-Rodica Dinculescu, "Teme în pictura unor artişti evrei din Europa Modernă (până la mişcarea de avangardă)" ("Themes in the Art of Jewish Painters in Modern Europe– Before the Avant-Garde Movement")] , at theUniversity of Bucharest site
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.