Information explosion

Information explosion

Information explosion is a term that describes the rapidly increasing amount of published information and the effects of this abundance of data. As the amount of available data grows, the problem of managing the information becomes more difficult, which can lead to information overload.

The Online Oxford English Dictionary (“Information.” accessed January 4, 2008) indicates use of the phrase in a March 1964 New Statesman article. The New York Times first used the phrase in its editorial content in an article by Walter Sullivan in June 7, 1964 in which he described the phrase asmuch discussed.” (pE11.) The earliest use of the phrase seems to have been in an IBM advertising supplement to the New York Times published on April 30, 1961 and by Frank Fremont-Smith, Director of the American Institute of Biological Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference Program, in an April 1961 article in the AIBS Bulletin (p.18.) Fortunately, techniques to gather knowledge from an overabundance of electronic information (e.g., data fusion may help in data mining) have existed since the 1970s.

Web Servers

As of August 2005, there were over 70 million web servers. [] As of September 2007, there were over 135 million web servers. []


According to Technorati, the number of blogs doubles about every 6 months with a total of 35.3 million blogs as of April 2006. []

ee also

Metcalfe's law

External links

* [ Information Explosion]
* [ The Information Overload]
* [ Conceptualizing Information Systems and Cognitive Sustainability in 21st Century 'Attention' Economies (Includes Syllabus)]
* [ How Much Information? 2003]
*"Surviving the Information Explosion: How People Find Their Electronic Information" []
*"Why the Information Explosion Can Be Bad for Data Mining, and How Data Fusion Provides a Way Out" []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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